Class OverlayGroupSavePanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class OverlayGroupSavePanel extends JPanel
The OverlayGroupSavePanel shows a list of overlays that are to be saved as a group, and allows the user to choose the group name or use an existing name.
Peter Hollemans
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OverlayGroupSavePanel

      public OverlayGroupSavePanel(List<EarthDataOverlay> overlayList, List<String> groupNameList)
      Creates a new save panel.
      overlayList - the overlay list to selectively be saved to a group.
      groupNameList - the group name list to choose a name from.
  • Method Details

    • getGroupName

      public String getGroupName()
      Gets the selected group name.
    • getSelectedOverlays

      public List<EarthDataOverlay> getSelectedOverlays()
      Gets the selected overlays.
    • showDialog

      public static OverlayGroupSavePanel.SaveData showDialog(Component parent, String title, List<EarthDataOverlay> overlayList, List<String> groupList)
      Shows a modal save dialog and blocks until the dialog is hidden.
      parent - the component to use for the dialog parent.
      title - the dialog title string.
      overlayList - the overlay list to selectively be saved to a group.
      groupList - the group name list to choose a name from.
      the new overlay group name, or null if the save was cancelled.