

Provides classes for saving earth data in various formats.

  • Classes
    The ArcOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of ArcGIS options for data export.
    The ArcSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for ArcGIS export files.
    The BinaryOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of data export binary options.
    The BinarySavePanel class allows the user to select save options for binary export files.
    The CFNC4SavePanel class allows the user to select save options for CF NetCDF 4 export files.
    The CFNCSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for CF NetCDF export files.
    The CWHDFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for CoastWatch HDF export files.
    The DataSavePanel class is the abstract parent of all data save panels, which allow the user to export earth data to various file formats.
    The EarthDataExporter class allows the user to choose a file name and parameters for saving earth locatable data.
    The GeoTIFFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for GeoTIFF image files.
    The GIFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for GIF image files.
    The ImageSavePanel class is the abstract parent of all image save panels, which allow the user to save earth data to an image file format.
    The JPEGSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for JPEG image files.
    The PDFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for PDF image files.
    The PNGSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for PNG image files.
    The RenderOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of image rendering options.
    The SavePanel class is the abstract parent of all save panels.
    The SubsetOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of data export subset options.
    The TextOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of text options for data export.
    The TextSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for text export files.
    The VariableOptionPanel class allows the user to choose a subset from a list of variables.