Class AMSUBHeader

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AMSUBHeader extends AbstractDataHeader
The AMSUBHeader class reads NOAA 1b data AMSU-B header records.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • AMSUBHeader

      public AMSUBHeader(ByteBuffer buffer)
      Creates a new header.
      buffer - the buffer to use for header data.
  • Method Details

    • getInstrument

      public terrenus.instrument.Instrument getInstrument()
      Description copied from interface: DataHeader
      Gets the data instrument.
    • getRecordSize

      public int getRecordSize()
      Description copied from interface: DataHeader
      Gets the size of each header and data record in bytes.
    • getRecordAttSize

      public int getRecordAttSize()
      Description copied from interface: DataHeader
      Gets the size of the data record attributes in bytes. The attributes can be used to assess the data record contents without reading the entire data record. The attribute bytes must contain enough data from the record to return the scan line, date, and sensor, navigation, and calibration quality flags.
    • getDataRecord

      public DataRecord getDataRecord(ByteBuffer inputBuffer)
      Description copied from interface: DataHeader
      Creates a data record using the specified data.
      inputBuffer - the buffer to read for byte data.
    • getCalibration

      public float[] getCalibration()
      Gets the AMSU-B calibration data as tuplets of [v, b, c] for each of the 15 thermal channels. Temperature to radiance conversion follows T* = b + c T where T is the target temperature, then using the Planck relation, r = c1 v^3 / (e^((c2 v)/T*) - 1) where c1 = 1.1910439 x 10^-5 mW/(m^2 sr cm^-4), c2 = 1.4387686 cm K, and r is the radiance in mW/(m^2 sr cm^-1).