Interface Encodable

All Known Implementing Classes:
BivariateEstimator, EarthPartition, EnhancementFunction, Function, GammaEnhancement, LagrangeInterpolator, LinearEnhancement, LogEnhancement, NOAA1bReader.LongitudeInterpolator, StepEnhancement, SwathProjection, UnivariateEstimator, VariableEstimator

public interface Encodable
An encodable object is one whose representation can be encoded in a data structure or array, for example as a number of integers or floating point values. The idea is that an encodable object may have its encoding written to a file or data stream which will later be used to recreate the object. Normally this procedure is only necessary if the encoding is more compact or less complicated than the information used in the original object constructor. To allow for maximum flexibility, the encoding is specified using an object whose structure must be fully documented by the implementing class.
Peter Hollemans
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets an encoded representation of this object.
    Uses an encoded representation of this object to recreate the object contents.
  • Method Details

    • getEncoding

      Object getEncoding()
      Gets an encoded representation of this object.
      the object encoding.
      See Also:
    • useEncoding

      void useEncoding(Object obj)
      Uses an encoded representation of this object to recreate the object contents.
      obj - the object encoding.
      See Also: