Class GridResampler

Direct Known Subclasses:
ACSPOInverseGridResampler, DirectGridResampler, InverseGridResampler, MixedGridResampler

public abstract class GridResampler extends Object
The GridResampler class performs generic data resampling between 2D earth transforms. The method that actually performs the resampling is left to the child class. The user must provide source and destination earth transforms, and pairs of source/destination grids (possibly more than one pair). The resampling is performed on all source / destination grid pairs simultaneously. Note that all source grids must have the same dimensions and navigation transform, and all destination grids must have the same dimensions.
Peter Hollemans
  • Field Details

    • sourceTrans

      protected EarthTransform sourceTrans
      The source earth transform.
    • destTrans

      protected EarthTransform destTrans
      The destination earth transform.
    • sourceGrids

      protected List<Grid> sourceGrids
      The list of source grids.
    • destGrids

      protected List<Grid> destGrids
      The list of destination grids.
  • Constructor Details

    • GridResampler

      public GridResampler(EarthTransform sourceTrans, EarthTransform destTrans)
      Creates a new grid resampler from the specified source and destination transforms.
      sourceTrans - the source earth transform.
      destTrans - the destination earth transform.
  • Method Details

    • addGrid

      public void addGrid(Grid sourceGrid, Grid destGrid)
      Adds a source and destination grid pair to the list of grids for resampling. The source grid data will be resampled into the destination grid.
      sourceGrid - the source grid for resampling.
      destGrid - the destination grid for resampling.
    • perform

      public abstract void perform(boolean verbose)
      Performs the resampling operation on all source / destination pairs.
      verbose - true for verbose resampling.