Package noaa.coastwatch.util.trans
package noaa.coastwatch.util.trans
Provides classes for earth coordinate transformation using map projections, datums, and swaths.
class performs Alaska Conformal map projection calculations.TheAlbersConicalEqualAreaProjection
class performs Albers Conical Equal Area map projection calculations.TheAzimuthalEquidistantProjection
class performs Azimuthal Equidistant map projection calculations.TheBoundaryHandler
class handles lines ofEarthLocation
data that cross boundaries in anEarthTransform
and provides splitting geometries for the boundary, as well as a predictate function for testing boundary cuts.TheCDMGridMappedProjection
class wraps a Java NetCDF CDM projection and allows access to transform calculations through the standardEarthTransform
class implements earth transform calculations for data coordinates with explicit latitude and longitude data.ADatum
holds a geodetic datum name, spheroid name, spheroid parameters, and WGS84-relative datum transformation parameters.TheDatumFactory
class creates geodeticDatum
objects corresponding to various spheroid codes.TheEarthTransform
class translates between data coordinates and geographic coordinates in latitude and longitude degrees.TheEarthTransform2D
class adds extra functionality to its super class common to two-dimensional earth transforms.TheEllipsoidPerspectiveProjection
class simulates the earth view that a theoretical satellite would have from orbit.TheEquidistantConicProjection
class performs Equidistant Conic map projection calculations.TheEquirectangularProjection
class performs Equirectangular map projection calculations.TheGCTPCStyleProjection
class provides method signatures that correspond directly with the GCTPC code modules for ease of converting GCTPC code to Java.Deprecated.The native methods of GCTP are no longer supported.TheGCTPStyleProjection
class provides various static constants and functions for classes that perform GCTP style projection computations.TheGeneralVerticalNearsidePerspectiveProjection
class performs General Vertical Nearside Perspective map projection calculations.TheGeographicProjection
class performs geographic map projection calculations.TheGeoVectorProjection
class uses arrays of latitude and longitude data to transform coordinates.TheGnomonicProjection
class performs Gnomonic map projection calculations.TheHammerProjection
class performs Hammer map projection calculations.TheHotineObliqueMercatorProjection
class performs Hotine Oblique Mercator map projection calculations.TheInterruptedGoodeHomolosineProjection
class performs Interrupted Goode Homolosine map projection calculations.TheInterruptedMollweideProjection
class performs Interrupted Mollweide map projection calculations.TheLambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection
class performs Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area map projection calculations.TheLambertConformalConicProjection
class performs Lambert Conformal Conic map projection calculations.TheMapProjection
class is the abstract parent of all map projections that implement coordinate conversions for the projection systems listed inProjectionConstants
class creates instances of map projections.TheMercatorProjection
class performs Mercator map projection calculations.TheMillerCylindricalProjection
class performs Miller Cylindrical map projection calculations.TheMollweideProjection
class performs Mollweide map projection calculations.TheOblatedEqualAreaProjection
class performs Oblated Equal Area map projection calculations.TheOrthographicProjection
class performs Orthographic map projection calculations.ThePolarStereographicProjection
class performs Polar Stereographic map projection calculations.ThePolyconicProjection
class performs Polyconic map projection calculations.TheProjectionConstants
class is an interface that hold various map projection constants, including projection indices and names.TheRobinsonProjection
class performs Robinson map projection calculations.TheSensorScanProjection
is used to provide Earth transform calculations for various types of satellite sensors that cannot be represented by one of the standard map projections.TheSensorScanProjectionFactory
is used to generateSensorScanProjection
class performs Sinusoidal map projection calculations.TheSpaceObliqueMercatorProjection
class performs Space Oblique Mercator map projection calculations.TheSpheroidConstants
class is an interface that hold various earth spheroid constants, including spheroid index, names, and semi-major / semi-minor axes sizes.TheStatePlaneProjection
class performs State Plane map projection calculations.TheStereographicProjection
class performs Stereographic map projection calculations.TheSwathProjection
class implements earth transform calculations for satellite swath (also called sensor scan) 2D projections.TheTransverseMercatorProjection
class performs Transverse Mercator map projection calculations.TheUniversalTransverseMercatorProjection
class performs Universal Transverse Mercator map projection calculations.TheVanderGrintenProjection
class performs Vander Grinten map projection calculations.TheWagnerIVProjection
class performs Wagner IV map projection calculations.TheWagnerVIIProjection
class performs Wagner VII map projection calculations.