Class NavigationAnalysisPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, DataViewOverlayControl

public class NavigationAnalysisPanel extends JPanel implements DataViewOverlayControl

The NavigationAnalysisPanel class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of image row and column points and specify the offset between coastline data and image data.

The panel signals a change in the list of offsets or the selected offset by firing an OVERLAY_LIST_PROPERTY change event.

Peter Hollemans
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NavigationAnalysisPanel

      public NavigationAnalysisPanel(EarthDataReader reader, List<String> variableList)
      Creates an analysis panel.
      reader - the reader to use for data variables.
      variableList - the list of allowed data variable names.
  • Method Details

    • performOperation

      public void performOperation(Shape shape)
      Description copied from interface: DataViewOverlayControl
      Performs a view control operation using the specified shape. The shape should correspond to the current operation mode. Generally, this method is called when the user performs some interactive operation on the view and the resulting shape is made available.
      Specified by:
      performOperation in interface DataViewOverlayControl
      shape - the shape to perform the operation for.
    • addPoint

      public void addPoint(EarthLocation earthLoc)
      Adds a point to the list of navigation points.
      earthLoc - the point to add.
    • getOperationMode

      public LightTable.Mode getOperationMode()
      Description copied from interface: DataViewOverlayControl
      Gets the current operation mode.
      Specified by:
      getOperationMode in interface DataViewOverlayControl
      the current operation mode as a mode from the LightTable class.
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
      Description copied from interface: DataViewOverlayControl
      Gets the control activity state.
      Specified by:
      isActive in interface DataViewOverlayControl
      true if the control is in an active state, or false if not. An active control is a control that is ready to perform an operation using DataViewOverlayControl.performOperation(java.awt.Shape).
    • deactivate

      public void deactivate()
      Description copied from interface: DataViewOverlayControl
      Deactivates the control. This is used to signal to the control that some other control has been set active. The control unclicks any buttons that indicate the operation mode.
      Specified by:
      deactivate in interface DataViewOverlayControl
    • showDialog

      public void showDialog(Component parent)
      Shows the analysis panel in a dialog window.
      parent - the parent component to use for showing dialogs.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv)
      Tests this class.
      argv - the array of command line parameters.