Package noaa.coastwatch.gui

package noaa.coastwatch.gui

Provides GUI classes for viewing and rendering earth data.

  • Class
    The AbstractOverlayListPanel class is the abstract parent of all overlay list panels.
    The AnnotationListChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of annotations.
    The AttributeValueChooser provides two components: one that can be used to select a feature attribute, and a second that can be used to select a value for that feature attribute.
    The CloseIcon renders an icon for a close button in one of three modes: NORMAL, HOVER, and PRESSED.
    The mode constants for the icon rendering.
    The CompositeChooser class allows the user to select a red, green, and blue component variable for a color composite.
    The CompoundToolBar class combines two or more toolbars into one by "stealing" the buttons from the other toolbars for itself.
    The DataViewOverlayControl class is an interface that can be implemented by any class that acts to control the overlay content of an EarthDataViewPanel.
    The DelayedRenderingComponent interface may be used by graphical components that wish to implement a delayed rendering strategy.
    The DynamicExtensionFileChooser class allows the user to select a file.
    The earth context panel displays an earth context element.
    The EarthDataAnalysisPanel groups together a variety of earth data view and chooser components into one main panel that may be used to display the contents of a EarthDataReader object.
    The EarthDataViewController class handles interactions between an EarthDataView object and the chooser objects used to manipulate its properties.
    The EarthDataViewFactory uses an EarthDataReader and variable name to create an EarthDataView for displaying a view of the variable data.
    The EarthDataViewPanel class displays an onscreen version of an EarthDataView object.
    An enhancement chooser is a panel that allows the user to select the specifications of a data enhancement function.
    An enhancement function panel displays an enhancement function graphically as a line plot.
    The FeatureGroupFilterChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a FeatureGroupFilter.
    The FileOperationChooser class is a JToolBar that allows the user to perform basic file operations: Open, Close, Export.
    The FileSavePanel displays a file name for saving and allows the user to choose a new file name.
    The FileTransferHandler class is used with the JComponent.setTransferHandler() method to handle one or more objects during a drag and drop operation.
    The FullScreenToolBar class is a horizontal toolbar for full screen modes.
    The FadeImageFilter converts normal color pixels to either brigher or darker versions using a fade factor.
    The GhostImageFilter converts normal color pixels to ghostly inverted grayscale pixels.
    The FullScreenWindow class display a full screen component with optional tool bar.
    The GhostButton class is a button that displays a "ghostly" looking version of a standard button icon for use in full screen mode toolbar menus.
    The FadeImageFilter converts normal color pixels to either brigher or darker versions using a fade factor.
    The GhostImageFilter converts normal color pixels to ghostly inverted grayscale pixels.
    The GhostToggleButton class is a button that displays a "ghostly" looking version of a standard button icon for use in full screen mode toolbar menus.
    The GUI services class defines various static methods relating to graphical user interfaces.
    A histogram panel displays a histogram plot as a series of vertical columns.
    The HistogramStatisticsPanel shows a simple data plot of statistics as a histogram.
    The HTML panel displays an HTML document in a scrollable window and responds to hyperlink clicks.
    The image loader class is used to render an image asychronously from an image producer.
    An image loading observer is capable of drawing small tiles of an image as it is being loaded by an image loader.
    An image view panel displays a single image and allows zooming and panning with the mouse.
    The LegendPanel class displays a Legend graphic in a panel.
    A LightTable is a container that places an invisible drawing table on top of another component and allows that component to become a drawing surface.
    The LineStatisticsPanel shows a simple data plot of statistics as an x-y line plot of the statistics values.
    The map projection chooser allows the display and selection of map projection parameters.
    A MultiPointFeatureOverlayStatsPanel shows a set of statistics of expressions computed over the visible set of overlay symbols selected by a MultiPointFeatureOverlay object.
    A MultiPointFeatureOverlaySymbolPanel shows a set of symbols and an attribute value table for features displayed by a MultiPointFeatureOverlay object.
    The NavigationChooser class allows the user to modify the navigation affine transform for a set of earth data variables.
    The OverlayGroupSavePanel shows a list of overlays that are to be saved as a group, and allows the user to choose the group name or use an existing name.
    The OverlayListChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of EarthDataOverlay objects.
    A palette chooser is a panel that allows the user to pick a colour palette from a selection of predefined palettes.
    A palette panel displays a color palette graphically as a stripe of colour.
    The PanelOutputStream class extends to display output in a Swing JPanel.
    The PreferencesChooser class is a panel that displays a Preferences object and allows the preferences to be manipulated.
    The ReaderInfoPanel class displays information from a EarthDataReader in a graphical panel.
    The ReaderMetadataPanel class displays metadata from an EarthDataReader in a graphical panel.
    The renderable panel displays the output from a renderable object.
    The satellite pass coverage panel displays a graphical representaion of a satellite pass on an annotated Earth globe.
    The satellite pass preview panel displays a satellite pass data preview image.
    The satellite pass table is a Swing table that holds satellite pass information for a server.
    The satellite pass table model contains satellite pass data as a Swing table model.
    The ScriptConsole can be shown and hidden to allow a scripting interface to the CoastWatch Utilities using Beanshell syntax.
    The SelectionRuleFilterChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a SelectionRuleFilter.
    The server status panel queries the status of a CoastWatch data server and displays the current activity including incoming, unprocessed, and processing files.
    A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
    The SortedTable class is a normal javax.swing.JTable that can sort its rows when the user clicks on a column in the table header.
    A SortedTableModel can be used to provide row sorting services for any javax.swing.table.TableModel.
    The SplashScreenManager class handles updates to the JVM-generated startup splash screen.
    The StatisticsPanel is an abstract class that holds a Statistics object and draws the axes and labels desired for a plot of the statistics.
    The SurveyListChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of EarthDataSurvey objects.
    The SurveyPlotFactory creates data plot panels that are appropriate for a given survey.
    The Swirl class shows a swirling progress icon in a panel.
    The TabComponent interface is used to specify that components used in tabs must supply various descriptive elements, such as title, icon, and tool tip.
    The test container class simply creates a JFrame and sets the content pane to the command line specified container.
    As of 3.3.1, use SplashScreenManager.
    The TransformableImageComponent interface may be implemented by graphical components that paint using an image.
    The UpdateAgent class performs an update check on the network, then pops up an informational dialog if the software is out of date.
    The VariableChooser is a simple panel that displays a list of variable names and allows the user to select one of the variables.
    The ViewOperationChooser class is a JToolBar that allows the user to select view transform operations using a set of toolbar buttons.
    The window monitor class performs a system exit when it receives the window closing event.
    The XYPlotPanel is an abstract class that draws axes and labels for an x-y plot.