

Provides classes for reading, writing, and caching 2D tiles of data.

  • Class
    The LRUTileCache is a tile cache that uses a least-recently-used rule to eliminate unused tiles.
    The NCTileSource class provides tiles from a NetCDF 3 or 4 dataset variable.
    A TileCache object stores a set of TilingScheme.Tile objects and allows for their retrieval.
    The TileCachedGrid class is a Grid whose data is supplied from a TileSource and cached via the TileCacheManager.
    A TileCacheKey object stores a pair of values: a tile source, and a tile position, that can be used in a TileCache to store and recall a specific tile.
    The TileCacheManager class provides convenient access to the default tile cache.
    A TileDeliveryOperation represents an asynchronous process for delivering tiles of data from a TileSource to a number of Observer objects.
    The TileSink interface is for writing individual rectangles of data to a data sink.
    The TileSource interface is for reading individual rectangles of data from a data source.
    The tiling scheme class helps support the tiling of 2D data.