Interface ResamplingSourceImp

All Known Implementing Classes:
AVHRRSourceImp, GenericSourceImp, MODISSourceImp, VIIRSSourceImp

public interface ResamplingSourceImp

The ResamplingSourceImp class provides an extra set of query methods about the source transform in a resampling operation.

Peter Hollemans
  • Method Details

    • isValidLocation

      boolean isValidLocation(DataLocation loc)
      Determines if a source data location is valid to be used in the resampling operation.
      loc - the location to determine for use.
      true if the location should be used, or false if not.
    • isValidNearestLocation

      boolean isValidNearestLocation(EarthLocation earthLoc, DataLocation nearestDataLoc, Object contextObj)
      Determines if the nearest source transform earth location is valid to be used for resampling to the specified destination earth location. To be valid, the destination earth location must fall within the bounds of the pixel defined by the nearest source location.
      earthLoc - the destination earth location to check.
      nearestDataLoc - the nearest source data location to the specified destination earth location.
      contextObj - a context object obtained from getContext().
      true if the destination location falls within the area of the nearest source location, or false if not.
    • getWindowSize

      int getWindowSize()
      Gets the width and height of the window to search for the next nearest location during resampling. This is the window inside which the second nearest location may be found.
      the window size in pixels.
    • getContext

      Object getContext()
      the new context object.