Class EnhancementChooser

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, TabComponent

public class EnhancementChooser extends JPanel implements TabComponent

An enhancement chooser is a panel that allows the user to select the specifications of a data enhancement function. An enhancement function is typically used in conjunction with a 2D data variable to normalize a set of data values to the range [0..1] for mapping to a colour palette.

The enhancement chooser signals a change in the enhancement function specifications by firing a PropertyChangeEvent whose property name is EnhancementChooser.FUNCTION_PROPERTY, and new value contains an object of type EnhancementFunction.

The chooser alsp uses the EnhancementChooser.SAVE_PROPERTY to signal that the preferences should be updated for the current variable using the active palette and function.

Peter Hollemans
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EnhancementChooser

      public EnhancementChooser()
      Creates a new enhancement chooser panel. If the system property debug is set to true, the enhancement chooser is setup with initial default properties to make testing more interesting.
    • EnhancementChooser

      public EnhancementChooser(EnhancementFunction func)
      Creates a new enhancement chooser panel with the specified function.
      func - the function to initialize the panel.
  • Method Details

    • getRange

      public double[] getRange()
      Gets the allowed slider range.
      the slider range as [min, max].
    • getFunction

      public EnhancementFunction getFunction()
      Gets the current enhancement function.
      the function.
    • setFunction

      public void setFunction(EnhancementFunction newFunc)
      Sets the enhancement function.
      newFunc - the enhancement function.
    • setStatistics

      public void setStatistics(Statistics stats)
      Sets the statistics for use in the histogram plot.
      stats - the statistics, or null for no histogram display.
    • setPalette

      public void setPalette(Palette palette)
      Sets the palette for use in the palette stripe.
      palette - the palette, or null for no palette display.
    • setRange

      public void setRange(double[] range)
      Sets the range for use in the enhancement sliders.
      range - the slider range as either [min, max] or [max,min].
    • getValueIsAdjusting

      public boolean getValueIsAdjusting()
      Determines if the enhancement function is adjusting by checking to see if the range sliders are adjusting
      true if the range sliders are adjusting, or false if not.
    • getIcon

      public Icon getIcon()
      Description copied from interface: TabComponent
      Gets the tab icon.
      Specified by:
      getIcon in interface TabComponent
      the icon to be used if the tab is to have an icon beside the title label, or null if no icon is required.
    • getToolTip

      public String getToolTip()
      Description copied from interface: TabComponent
      Gets the tab tooltip.
      Specified by:
      getToolTip in interface TabComponent
      the tooltip text if the tab is to have an appearing tooltip when the mouse hovers over the tab, or null if no tooltip is required.
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Description copied from interface: TabComponent
      Gets the tab title.
      Specified by:
      getTitle in interface TabComponent
      the title to be used if the tab is to have a text label as a title, or null if no title is required.