Class HTMLPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class HTMLPanel extends JPanel
The HTML panel displays an HTML document in a scrollable window and responds to hyperlink clicks.
Peter Hollemans
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HTMLPanel

      public HTMLPanel()
      Creates a new empty HTML panel with full network controls.
    • HTMLPanel

      public HTMLPanel(boolean isNetworked)
      Creates a new empty HTML panel.
      isNetworked - the networked flag, true if the content of the panel will be on a live network or false if the contents are from a static source such as a directory or JAR file. If true, then full navigation controls are shown. If false, simplified navigation controls are shown with no address bar or refresh button.
    • HTMLPanel

      public HTMLPanel(URL url, boolean isNetworked)
      Creates a new HTML panel.
      url - the home URL to load.
      isNetworked - the networked flag, true if the content of the panel will be on a live network or false if the contents are from a static source such as a directory or JAR file. If true, then full navigation controls are shown. If false, simplified navigation controls are shown with no address bar or refresh button.
  • Method Details

    • setPage

      public void setPage(URL url)
      Sets the HTML page to display.
      url - the URL for the page to display.
    • showDialog

      public void showDialog(Component component, String title)
      Creates a dialog showing the HTML panel and Close button.
      component - the parent component for the dialog.
      title - the dialog window title.