Class EarthDataExporter

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class EarthDataExporter extends JPanel
The EarthDataExporter class allows the user to choose a file name and parameters for saving earth locatable data. The data may be saved in the form of a rendered image in a PNG, GIF, JPEG, GeoTIFF, of PDF file, or as exported data in a CoastWatch HDF, binary raster, text, or ArcGIS binary grid file.
Peter Hollemans
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EarthDataExporter

      public EarthDataExporter(EarthDataView view, EarthDataInfo info, EarthDataReader reader, List variableList)
      Creates a new exporter panel.
      view - the earth data view to save. The view will be used to render an image if the user selects an image type save, or will be used for its bounding rectangle if the user chooses to export data.
      info - the earth data information to use for the legends.
      reader - the data reader to use for exporting data. The reader is also used to generate an initial file name based on the data source.
      variableList - the list of variables to show for exporting data.
  • Method Details

    • showDialog

      public void showDialog(Component parent)
      Shows the exporter in a dialog window.
      parent - the parent component to use for showing dialogs.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv)
      Tests this class.
      argv - the array of command line parameters.