Class NOAA1bV1Reader.ScanLineV1

Enclosing class:

public class NOAA1bV1Reader.ScanLineV1 extends NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
The scan line version 1 class is a scan line that can read, calibrate, and navigate NOAA-A through -J data.
  • Field Details

    • CH1_SLOPE

      public static final int CH1_SLOPE
      The channel 1 calibration slope attribute (Float).
      See Also:

      public static final int CH1_INTERCEPT
      The channel 1 calibration intercept attribute (Float).
      See Also:
    • CH2_SLOPE

      public static final int CH2_SLOPE
      The channel 2 calibration slope attribute (Float).
      See Also:

      public static final int CH2_INTERCEPT
      The channel 2 calibration intercept attribute (Float).
      See Also:
    • CH3_SLOPE

      public static final int CH3_SLOPE
      The channel 3 calibration slope attribute (Float).
      See Also:

      public static final int CH3_INTERCEPT
      The channel 3 calibration intercept attribute (Float).
      See Also:
    • CH4_SLOPE

      public static final int CH4_SLOPE
      The channel 4 calibration slope attribute (Float).
      See Also:

      public static final int CH4_INTERCEPT
      The channel 4 calibration intercept attribute (Float).
      See Also:
    • CH5_SLOPE

      public static final int CH5_SLOPE
      The channel 5 calibration slope attribute (Float).
      See Also:

      public static final int CH5_INTERCEPT
      The channel 5 calibration intercept attribute (Float).
      See Also:

      public static final int PRT_READING_1
      The PRT reading 1 attribute (Integer).
      See Also:

      public static final int PRT_READING_2
      The PRT reading 2 attribute (Integer).
      See Also:

      public static final int PRT_READING_3
      The PRT reading 3 attribute (Integer).
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ScanLineV1

      public ScanLineV1(int line, int start, int count) throws IOException
      Creates a new dataset scan line using the specified index.
      line - the scan line index in the range [0..lines-1].
      start - the starting sensor data sample.
      count - the total number of sensor data samples. If the count is 0, no sensor data is read.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading the file data.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getCloud

      public byte[] getCloud()
      Throws an exception. The NOAA 1b version 1 format does not support the storage of cloud data.
      Specified by:
      getCloud in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      an array of cloud mask data values.
    • getScanTime

      public long[] getScanTime()
      Gets the scan line time data. This implementation simply returns the same time for all data samples across the scan line. A more sophisticated method would compute separate times for each sample.
      Specified by:
      getScanTime in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      an array of time data values in milliseconds.
    • getAttribute

      public Object getAttribute(int index)
      Description copied from class: NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      Gets a scan line attribute.
      Specified by:
      getAttribute in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      index - the attribute index.
      the attribute as an object. Primitive types are wrapped in their corresponding objects.
    • isSensorDataUsable

      public boolean isSensorDataUsable()
      Description copied from class: NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      Gets the sensor data usability flag.
      Specified by:
      isSensorDataUsable in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
    • isNavigationUsable

      public boolean isNavigationUsable()
      Description copied from class: NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      Gets the navigation data usability flag.
      Specified by:
      isNavigationUsable in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
    • getCalibration

      protected float[] getCalibration(int channel)
      Description copied from class: NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      Gets the set of line-specific calibration coefficients for the specified channel. The order of coefficients is not important, as the coefficients are simply used as a "calibration" signature for use in creating count versus calibrated value lookup tables.
      Specified by:
      getCalibration in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      channel - the channel for calibration coefficients, [1..5].
      an array of calibration coefficients.
    • calibrateChannel

      public float[] calibrateChannel(int[] countData, int channel)
      Description copied from class: NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      Calibrates channel count data to scientific units. Visible channel data is calibrated to percent albedo and thermal data to degrees Kelvin.
      Specified by:
      calibrateChannel in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      countData - the count data as an integer array.
      channel - the channel to calibrate, [1..5].
      an array of calibrated sample values.
      See Also:
    • getRawNavigation

      public float[] getRawNavigation(int variable)
      Description copied from class: NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      Gets the raw uninterpolated navigation data for the specified angle variable. All angles are measured in degrees.
      Specified by:
      getRawNavigation in class NOAA1bReader.ScanLine
      variable - the navigation variable.
      an array of raw uninterpolated navigation angles.