Class WorldFileWriter


public class WorldFileWriter extends Object
The WorldFileWriter class writes ASCII text world files that store image to map coordinate transformation parameters as a set of floating point values. World files contain the following lines:
  • Line 1: x-dimension of a pixel in map units
  • Line 2: rotation parameter
  • Line 3: rotation parameter
  • Line 4: NEGATIVE of y-dimension of a pixel in map units
  • Line 5: x-coordinate of center of upper left pixel
  • Line 6: y-coordinate of center of upper left pixel
More information on world files and the naming conventions for world files may be found at ESRI's support center:
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • write

      public void write() throws IOException
      Writes a world file to the output stream.
      IOException - if an error occurred writing to the output stream.