Interface DataHeader

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDataHeader, AMSUAHeader, AMSUBHeader, HIRS4Header, MHSHeader

public interface DataHeader
The DataHeader interface is for reading NOAA 1b data header records.
Peter Hollemans
  • Method Details

    • getSpacecraft

      String getSpacecraft()
      Gets the data spacecraft name.
    • getInstrument

      terrenus.instrument.Instrument getInstrument()
      Gets the data instrument.
    • getStartDate

      Date getStartDate()
      Gets the data start date.
    • getEndDate

      Date getEndDate()
      Gets the data end date.
    • getRecordCount

      int getRecordCount()
      Gets the number of data records in the data file.
    • getHeaderCount

      int getHeaderCount()
      Gets the number of header records in the data file.
    • getFormatVersion

      int getFormatVersion()
      Gets the file format version number.
      the format version in the range [1..n] where n is the latest version being produced by NOAA.
    • getRecordSize

      int getRecordSize()
      Gets the size of each header and data record in bytes.
    • getDataRecord

      DataRecord getDataRecord(ByteBuffer inputBuffer)
      Creates a data record using the specified data.
      inputBuffer - the buffer to read for byte data.
    • getRecordAttSize

      int getRecordAttSize()
      Gets the size of the data record attributes in bytes. The attributes can be used to assess the data record contents without reading the entire data record. The attribute bytes must contain enough data from the record to return the scan line, date, and sensor, navigation, and calibration quality flags.
    • getCalibration

      float[] getCalibration()
      Gets the calibration data in the header.
    • getDatasetName

      String getDatasetName()
      Gets the dataset name as stored in the header.
    • getCreationSite

      String getCreationSite()
      Gets the dataset creation site.