Class BinnedGSHHSReader.Bin

Enclosing class:

public class BinnedGSHHSReader.Bin extends Object
The bin class acts as a container for GSHHS shore segments. Each bin contains a number of segments and a corner location. Bin indexing starts at 0 at (90N, 0E) and proceeds west to east, north to south.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getSegments

      public int getSegments()
      Gets the number of segments.
    • getSegment

      public BinnedGSHHSReader.Bin.Segment getSegment(int index)
      Gets the specified segment.
    • getCorner

      public EarthLocation getCorner()
      Gets the south-west corner earth location.
    • getCorner

      public EarthLocation getCorner(int index)
      Gets the specified corner earth location.
    • getCornerLevel

      public byte getCornerLevel(int index)
      Gets the specified corner level.
    • getMinimumLevel

      public byte getMinimumLevel()
      Gets the minimum bin corner level.
    • getLineFeature

      public LineFeature getLineFeature(int index)
      Gets an earth vector for the specified segment.
      index - the index of the segment to convert.
      the new earth vector.
    • getPolygonFeatures

      public List getPolygonFeatures()
      Gets the segments in this bin as a list of closed Earth polygons. The convention used is for land polygons to have the counter-clockwise winding direction and water polygons to have clockwise winding. The polygons in the list are specified in rendering order.
      a list of earth polygon objects based on the segments in this bin.