Class cwdownload


@Deprecated public final class cwdownload extends Object
The download tool no longer has any valid servers that it works with. There is no replacement.

The download tool facilitates the downloading of specific data files from a CoastWatch data server.


cwdownload - downloads data from a CoastWatch server.


cwdownload [OPTIONS] host

General options:

-c, --script=PATH
-d, --dir=PATH
-f, --force
-h, --help
-s, --ssl
-t, --test
-T, --timeout=SECONDS

Data file selection options:

-a, --age=HOURS
-C, --coverage=PERCENT
-G, --station=PATTERN
-p, --projection=TYPE
-r, --region=PATTERN
-s, --satellite=PATTERN
-S, --scenetime=PATTERN


The download tool retrieves a set of user-specified data files from a CoastWatch data server. Data files may be selected based on satellite, scene time, region, ground station, and other parameters. Without any command line options, all data files on the server are retrieved. The command line options are used to filter the list of data files. Multiple options are used in conjunction, for example if both --satellite and --scenetime are specified, only files matching the specified satellites and scene times will be retrieved. The download tool has a built-in facility for avoiding redundant file downloads. Unless the --force option is used, files are only downloaded if no file with the same name already exists in the local directory. The --test option may be used for testing file download options without downloading any actual data.


Main parameters:

The CoastWatch server host name. There is no default host name.

General options:

-c, --script=PATH
ADVANCED USERS ONLY. The query script path. The default is /ctera/query.cgi.
-d, --dir=PATH
The download directory path. The default is to download to the current directory.
-f, --force
Turns on forced mode. When forced mode is in effect, no check is performed to determine if the file already exists in the download directory. The default is to check if a file of the same name exists, and if so skip the download for that particular file.
-h, --help
Prints a brief help message.
-s, --ssl
Turns on SSL mode. This makes the server connection use an SSL-encrypted protocol (https). The default is to use an unsecured connection (http).
-t, --test
Turns on test mode. When the test mode is in effect, the data files are selected based on the specified command line parameters but no actual data is downloaded. The default is to perform the data download. Test mode may be used to determine if a certain set of command line parameters have the desired effect without having to wait for data files to transfer.
-T, --timeout=SECONDS
The network timeout in seconds. If the network becomes unresponsive for the timeout period, the download is aborted. If there is a file currently in the process of downloading when the timeout occurs, the partial file is deleted. The default timeout is 30 seconds.
Prints the software version.

Data file selection options:

-a, --age=HOURS
The maximum age of the data in hours. Datasets contain a time stamp for the date and time that the data was taken by the sensor. Only datasets created more recently than the specified number of hours ago are retrieved, based on the clock on the host computer running the download. The default is to download regardless of date and time.
-C, --coverage=PERCENT
The minimum data coverage in percent. Mapped regions may have less than 100% coverage when the edge of the satellite pass intersects the region area. The default minimum coverage is 0. The use of this option implies --projection mapped.
-G, --station=PATTERN
The ground station matching pattern. Multiple ground stations may be specified with a regular expression, for example '(wi|mo|hi)' for the wi, mo, and hi stations. The default is to download all ground stations.
-p, --projection=TYPE
The data projection type. Valid values are 'mapped' and 'swath'. Mapped datasets are those that have possibly been reduced in resolution, and registered to a standard map projection. Swath datasets are generally at the full sensor resolution and unregistered sensor scan projection. By default, all types of datasets are downloaded.
-r, --region=PATTERN
The region code matching pattern. Multiple regions may be specified with a regular expression, for example '(er|sr|gr)' for the 'er', 'sr', and 'gr' regions. The default is to download all regions. The use of this option implies --projection mapped.
-s, --satellite=PATTERN
The satellite name matching pattern. For example, 'noaa-16'. Multiple satellites may be specified with a regular expression, for example 'noaa-1[56]' for NOAA-15 and NOAA-16. The default is to download data from all satellites.
-S, --scenetime=PATTERN
The scene time matching pattern. Valid times are 'day', 'night', and 'day/night'. Multiple times may be specified with a regular expression, for example '(day|night)' for day and night. The default is to download all scene times.

Exit status

0 on success, > 0 on failure. Possible causes of errors:

  • Invalid command line option
  • Cannot contact data server
  • Invalid or write-protected download directory
  • Error transferring data file


The following shows a download command that retrieves any NOAA-16 daytime data files for the East Coast north and south regions captured at Wallops Island to the ~/cwatch/satdata directory from the fictitious server

   phollema$ cwdownload --satellite noaa-16 --scenetime day 
     --region '(er|sr)' --station wi --dir ~/cwatch/satdata

   [INFO] Contacting via http
   [INFO] Retrieving 2002_197_1719_n16_er.hdf
   [INFO] Retrieving 2002_197_1719_n16_sr.hdf
   [INFO] Retrieving 2002_197_1900_n16_er.hdf
   [INFO] Retrieving 2002_197_1900_n16_sr.hdf
   [INFO] Transferred 31715 kb in 4 files
Peter Hollemans
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv)
      Performs the main function.
      argv - the list of command line parameters.