Class EarthDataSurvey

Direct Known Subclasses:
BoxSurvey, LineSurvey, PointSurvey

public abstract class EarthDataSurvey extends Object
The EarthDataSurvey class is used to perform surveys on DataVariable objects, and is the abstract parent of all surveys. It holds information on the survey variable, statistics, extents, and so on. Child classes should implement an appropriate constructor and a getResults() method for the results formatting.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • EarthDataSurvey

      protected EarthDataSurvey()
      Creates a new empty survey.
    • EarthDataSurvey

      protected EarthDataSurvey(String name, String units, NumberFormat format, EarthTransform trans, Statistics stats, DataLocation[] extents)
      Creates a new data survey.
      name - the survey variable name.
      units - the survey variable units.
      format - the survey variable formatter.
      trans - the survey variable earth transform.
      stats - the survey statistics.
      extents - the survey extents as [start,end].
  • Method Details

    • getVariableName

      public String getVariableName()
      Gets the survey variable name.
    • getVariableUnits

      public String getVariableUnits()
      Gets the survey variable units.
    • getVariableFormat

      public NumberFormat getVariableFormat()
      Gets the survey variable number formatter.
    • getTransform

      public EarthTransform getTransform()
      Gets the survey variable earth transform.
    • getStatistics

      public Statistics getStatistics()
      Gets the survey statistics.
    • getExtents

      public DataLocation[] getExtents()
      Gets the survey extents as [start, end].
    • getResults

      public void getResults(ReportFormatter formatter)
      Gets a results report for the survey.
      formatter - the formatter to use for the report.
    • init

      protected void init(String name, String units, NumberFormat format, EarthTransform trans, Statistics stats, DataLocation[] extents)
      Initializes the survey with the specified information.
      name - the survey variable name.
      units - the survey variable units.
      format - the survey variable formatter.
      trans - the survey variable earth transform.
      stats - the survey statistics.
      extents - the survey extents as [start,end].