Class ResamplingMap


public class ResamplingMap extends Object
A ResamplingMap object holds coordinate mapping data between two 2D coordinate systems: the source and destination. Coordinates from the destination coordinate space can be queried to map to their corresponding nearest neighbour in the source coordinate space. This allows for a fast nearest neighbour resampling algorithms to run using only the map. A map covers a specific rectangular extent of the destination coordinate extents.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Summary

    ResamplingMap(int[] start, int[] length, int[] rowMap, int[] colMap)
    Creates a new 2D resampling map.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    map(int[] destCoords, int[] sourceCoords)
    Maps the destination coordinates to their corresponding source coordinates.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ResamplingMap

      public ResamplingMap(int[] start, int[] length, int[] rowMap, int[] colMap)
      Creates a new 2D resampling map.
      start - the starting map coordinates in the destination space.
      length - the map length along each dimension in the destination space.
      rowMap - the source coordinate row mapping from destination coordinates. The source coordinate array can contain Integer.MIN_VALUE as a flag to indicate that no mapping exists for a given destination coordinate.
      colMap - the source coordinate column mapping from destination coordinates. The source coordinate array can contain Integer.MIN_VALUE as a flag to indicate that no mapping exists for a given destination coordinate.
  • Method Details

    • map

      public boolean map(int[] destCoords, int[] sourceCoords)
      Maps the destination coordinates to their corresponding source coordinates.
      destCoords - the destination coordinates to map as [row, col]. The coordinates must be within the destination space extents defined by the map.
      sourceCoords - the source coordinates as [row, col] (modified).
      true if the mapping exists from destination coordinates, or false if not. If false, the values in the sourceCoords array are undefined.