Class FloatChunk

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataChunk, FloatingPointValuedDataChunk

public class FloatChunk extends Object implements FloatingPointValuedDataChunk
The FloatChunk class holds primitive float data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • FloatChunk

      public FloatChunk(float[] floatData, Float missing)
      Creates a new initialized data chunk.
      floatData - the float data values.
      missing - the missing data value, or null for none.
    • FloatChunk

      public FloatChunk(float[] floatData, Float missing, ScalingScheme scheme)
      Creates a new initialized data chunk with scaling parameters.
      floatData - the float data values.
      missing - the missing data value, or null for none.
      scheme - the scaling scheme or null for none.
  • Method Details

    • getExternalType

      public DataChunk.DataType getExternalType()
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Gets the external data type that values in this chunk are meant to represent. This is the type that the chunk unpacks to if values are packed.
      Specified by:
      getExternalType in interface DataChunk
      the external data type.
    • getScalingScheme

      public ScalingScheme getScalingScheme()
      Description copied from interface: FloatingPointValuedDataChunk
      Gets the scaling scheme. A scaling scheme is used to alter the values of floating point data using some scaling.
      Specified by:
      getScalingScheme in interface FloatingPointValuedDataChunk
      the scaling scheme or null if the chunk data is not scaled.
    • accept

      public void accept(ChunkVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Accepts a visitor in this chunk.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface DataChunk
      visitor - the visitor to accept.
    • getValues

      public int getValues()
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Gets the number of values held by this chunk.
      Specified by:
      getValues in interface DataChunk
      the number of values.
    • getPrimitiveData

      public Object getPrimitiveData()
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Gets the primitive chunk data.
      Specified by:
      getPrimitiveData in interface DataChunk
      the primitive data stored in this chunk.
    • blankCopy

      public DataChunk blankCopy()
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Creates a blank copy of this data chunk.
      Specified by:
      blankCopy in interface DataChunk
      the new blank data chunk. The data values are uninitialized.
    • blankCopyWithValues

      public DataChunk blankCopyWithValues(int values)
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Creates a blank copy of this data chunk with the specified number of data values.
      Specified by:
      blankCopyWithValues in interface DataChunk
      values - the number of data values in the new blank data chunk.
      the new blank data chunk. The data values are uninitialized.
    • getMissing

      public Float getMissing()
      Gets the missing value. The missing value is used in the primitive data to represent invalid data values.
      the missing value or null if the chunk has no missing value specified.
    • getFloatData

      public float[] getFloatData()
      Gets the primitive array used to store data.
      the primitive float data array containing the data.
    • isCompatible

      public boolean isCompatible(DataChunk chunk)
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Checks if this chunk is compatible with another. Compatible chunks share the same primitive data type and other properties.
      Specified by:
      isCompatible in interface DataChunk
      chunk - the data chunk to check.
    • valueBytes

      public int valueBytes()
      Description copied from interface: DataChunk
      Gets the number of bytes each value uses.
      Specified by:
      valueBytes in interface DataChunk
      the bytes per data value in the primitive data.
      See Also: