Class VIIRSMBandSDRParams

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VIIRSMBandSDRParams extends Object implements VIIRSSensorParams

The VIIRSMBandSDRParams class provides parameters for the VIIRS M-band Scientific Data Record (SDR) scan and deletion pattern. The M-band SDR scan is 3200 pixels wide by 16 pixels high and has some pixels deleted on the top and bottom two rows which results in less overlap of the scan than for example MODIS.The deletion pattern is as follows:

  • 1st row - First and last 1008 pixels deleted
  • 2nd row - First and last 640 pixels deleted
  • 3rd-14th rows - No deletions
  • 15th row - First and last 640 pixels deleted
  • 16th row - First and last 1008 pixels deleted

The pattern results in a scan that looks as follows:

     0    640       1008                       2192      2560   3199
  0   ****************---------------------------****************
  1   ******-----------------------------------------------******
  2   -----------------------------------------------------------
  ..  -----------------------------------------------------------
  ..  -----------------------------------------------------------
  13  -----------------------------------------------------------
  14  ******-----------------------------------------------******
  15  ****************---------------------------****************
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • VIIRSMBandSDRParams

      public VIIRSMBandSDRParams()
      Creates a new parameters object.
  • Method Details

    • getScanWidth

      public int getScanWidth()
      Description copied from interface: VIIRSSensorParams
      Gets the scan width.
      Specified by:
      getScanWidth in interface VIIRSSensorParams
      the scan width in pixels.
    • getScanHeight

      public int getScanHeight()
      Description copied from interface: VIIRSSensorParams
      Gets the scan height.
      Specified by:
      getScanHeight in interface VIIRSSensorParams
      the scan height in pixels of one simultenous scan within a VIIRS granule.
    • getTopRowAtColumn

      public int getTopRowAtColumn(int col)
      Description copied from interface: VIIRSSensorParams
      Gets the top edge row of the swath at the specified column for any scan.
      Specified by:
      getTopRowAtColumn in interface VIIRSSensorParams
      col - the column to query, [0..scanWidth].
      the row within the data that forms the top of the non-deleted part of the swath at the specified column.
    • getDeletionPattern

      public boolean[][] getDeletionPattern()
      Description copied from interface: VIIRSSensorParams
      Gets an array containing the deleted pixel pattern.
      Specified by:
      getDeletionPattern in interface VIIRSSensorParams
      the pixel deletion pattern for this sensor as an array of booleans of size [scanHeight][scanWidth] in which true indicates a pixel is deleted, and false indicates the pixel is valid.