Class ColocatedPointFeatureSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Feature>, FeatureSource

public class ColocatedPointFeatureSource extends PointFeatureSource
The ColocatedPointFeatureSource class combines the point features from a source with colocated values from a set of grids. For example if each point feature in the source has attributes named:
  • observation_time
  • windspeed
and the grids were named "sst" and "cloud", then the point data supplied by this class would have attributes named:
  • observation_time
  • windspeed
  • GRID_sst
  • GRID_cloud
where the sst and cloud data values are taken from the grids at the geolocation of the point data. The "GRID_" extension to the grid names prevents name collisions, if the attributes and grids happen to have some of the same names.
Peter Hollemans
  • Field Details

    • primitiveToWrapperMap

      public static final Map<Class<?>,Class<?>> primitiveToWrapperMap
      The mapping form primitive to wrapper class.
  • Constructor Details

    • ColocatedPointFeatureSource

      public ColocatedPointFeatureSource(PointFeatureSource source, EarthTransform trans, List<Grid> gridList)
      Creates a new colocated source using the specified source and grids.
      source - the point source to supply point feature data.
      trans - the earth transform for the grid data.
      gridList - the list of grids to append data values to the point feature attributes.
  • Method Details