Package noaa.coastwatch.render.feature

package noaa.coastwatch.render.feature

Provides classes for reading and selecting groups of earth locations assembled into feature layers like coastlines, shapefiles, and polygons.

  • Class
    The AbstractFeatureSource class supplies default implementations for some FeatureSource methods.
    An AttributeRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on the value of one of the attributes.
    The BinnedGSHHSLineReader class reads Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines (GSHHS) border and river data in the binned format provided with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
    The binned GSHHS reader class reads Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines (GSHHS) data from the binned format provided with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
    A BinnedGSHHSReaderFactory creates instances of BinnedGSHHSReader and BinnedGSHHSLineReader objects based on a resolution requirement.
    The ColocatedPointFeatureSource class combines the point features from a source with colocated values from a set of grids.
    A DateRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on a date value of one of the attributes.
    The operators for this class of rule.
    The ESRIShapefileReader class reads geographic features from ESRI shapefile data and presents the data as an EarthDataOverlay object.
    A FeatureGroupFilter filters a set of Feature objects using a grouping concept.
    The FeatureSource interface provides methods common the all feature sources; the methods allow for selection of features based on a geographic area, iteration over the matching features, and information on attributes.
    A GriddedPointGenerator creates point features from a set of co-located Grid objects.
    This class has been replaced by BinnedGSHHSReader which provides better overall performance.
    The HDFGSHHSLineReader extends BinnedGSHHSLineReader to read data from an HDF binned data file.
    The HDFGSHHSReader extends BinnedGSHHSReader to read data from an HDF binned data file.
    The iQuam data reader reads NOAA iQuam (in-situ SST quality monitoring) system data files and presents the data as point features.
    The LatLonLineReader class reads sets of latitude/longitude locations to create line features and presents the data as a EarthDataOverlay object.
    The LineFeature class holds a list of earth location data.
    The LineFeatureSource class supplies methods that read or generate vector-specified earth data such as coast lines, political boundaries, bathymetry, and so on.
    A NumberRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on the numercial value of one of the attributes.
    The operators for this class of rule.
    The OpendapGSHHSLineReader extends BinnedGSHHSLineReader to read data from an OPeNDAP-enabled binned data file.
    The OpendapGSHHSReader extends BinnedGSHHSReader to read data from an OPeNDAP-enabled binned data file.
    The PointFeatureSource class supplies and renders PointFeature data with user-supplied plot symbols.
    The PolygonFeature class is a LineFeature with extra properties and rendering algorithms specific to polygons.
    The PolygonFeatureSource extends the LineFeatureSource class to render filled polygons as well as lines.
    A SelectionRuleFilter is a list of SelectionRule objects together with an overall rule that determines how to filter a set of Feature objects.
    The mode that the filtering is operating under.
    The ShapeOverlayFactory class reads various shape file formats and returns the shapes as an EarthDataOverlay object.
    A TextRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on the string value of one of the attributes.
    The operators for this class of rule.
    A TimeWindow represents a date and window centered around the date.
    A TimeWindowRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on a date value of one of the attributes and a window of time around that date.
    The operators for this class of rule.
    The functionality of this class has been replaced by the BinnedGSHHSLineReader class which provides better performance for reading and rendering.