Interface EarthGridSet

public interface EarthGridSet

An EarthGridSet provides an interface for data to be modelled as a set of 2D Grid objects, where each grid can be selected by specifying its unique position on a set of axes in a higher dimensional space. As an example, suppose that there are two axes that represent time and height, and that the time axis has 6 possible values:

  • [0] = Jan 1, 2015
  • [1] = Feb 1, 2015
  • [2] = Mar 1, 2015
  • [3] = Apr 1, 2015
  • [4] = May 1, 2015
  • [5] = Jun 1, 2015

and the height axis has 20 values:

  • [0] = 0 feet
  • [1] = 50 feet
  • [2] = 100 feet
  • ...
  • [18] = 900 feet
  • [19] = 1000 feet

To select the 2D grid for May 1, 2015 on the time axis and 100 feet on the height axis, the axis position would be time=2, height=2.

Peter Hollemans
  • Method Details

    • getVariables

      List<String> getVariables()
      Gets a list of all grid variable names in this set.
      the variable names.
    • getAxes

      List<EarthGridSet.Axis> getAxes(String varName)
      Gets a list of axes used to specify the version of a grid needed from the accessGrid(java.lang.String, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer>) method.
      varName - the variable name for the axes.
      the list of axes, possibly empty if the variable is just a single grid and has no axes.
    • accessGrid

      Grid accessGrid(String varName, List<Integer> axisIndexList)
      Gets a version of a grid specified by a set of axes.
      varName - the variable name for the grid.
      axisIndexList - the list of axis indicies, one for each axis, that specifies which grid to retrieve. The list may be empty if the variable has no axes.
      the grid corresponding to the variable name and axes specified.
    • releaseGrid

      void releaseGrid(Grid grid)
      Releases the resources used by a grid accessed by this set.
      grid - the grid to release.
    • getTransform

      EarthTransform2D getTransform(String varName)
      Gets the 2D earth transform for the grids in a variable.
      varName - the variable name for the earth transform.
      the earth transform.
    • getOrigin

      String getOrigin()
      Gets the institute/origin of the data in the dataset.
      the data institute/origin.
    • getSource

      String getSource()
      Gets the source/platform of the data in the dataset.
      the data source/platform.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Disposes of the resources used by this grid set.