

Provides classes for reading and writing earth data in a variety of formats.

The basis of all earth data reading functionality in the software is the EarthDataReader class and subclasses. The reader classes provide generic methods for reading metadata and data variables one at a time from HDF, NetCDF, and NOAA 1b files. To open a new file of unknown format, use the EarthDataReaderFactory, which attempts to guess the file format and provide an EarthDataReader object.

The reader classes can be grouped by format and capabilities as follows:

Reader Classes
Class Metadata Earth Tranform Data Buffering
NetCDF 3/4 Format (NCReader subclasses)
CommonDataModelNCReader CF-1.4 Grid mapped projections supported by the Java NetCDF library, also lat/lon projections with explicitly specified points. Per-variable tile caching
CWNCReader CoastWatch HDF 3.4 Map projection only None
CWCFNCReader CF-1.4 with CoastWatch extensions Map projection only None
HDF 4 Format (HDFReader subclasses)
CWHDFReader CoastWatch HDF 3.4 Map projection (GCTP), satellite swath, ellipsoid perspective Per-variable tile caching
TSHDFReader TDF Map projection (equirect, polar stereo, Mercator), satellite swath Per-variable tile caching
NOAA 1b AVHRR (NOAA1bReader subclasses)
NOAA1bV1Reader, NOAA1bV2Reader, NOAA1bV3Reader, NOAA1bV4Reader, NOAA1bV5Reader NOAA 1b-specific Satellite swath (AVHRR LAC and GAC) Per-variable scan line caching
NOAA1bFileReader NOAA 1b-specific Satellite swath (AMSU-A, AMSU-B, HIRS4, MHS) Per-variable scan line caching

The writer classes, subclasses of EarthDataWriter, support the creation of many different output file formats. In particular, the BinaryWriter classes write data variables as a stream of binary data values, the TextWriter class handles the writing of ASCII text files, and the CWHDFWriter writes CoastWatch HDF format.

  • Class
    The AbstractReaderList class implements some of the more universal methods for a ReaderList.
    As of version 3.4.1, format is not produced anymore, replaced by CommonDataModelNCReader compatible files.
    As of version 3.4.1, format is not produced anymore, replaced by CommonDataModelNCReader compatible files.
    As of version 3.4.1, format is not produced anymore, replaced by CommonDataModelNCReader compatible files.
    An Arc writer is a float writer that writes a binary format file for input to ArcView or ArcInfo as a binary grid.
    The BinaryStreamReader class reads streams of binary data described by an XML template.
    The BinaryStreamReaderFactory class handles efficient storage and retrieval of stream readers for specific classes.
    A binary writer is an earth data writer that writes variable data as a stream of binary values.
    A byte writer is a binary writer that writes data as a stream of 8-bit unsigned bytes.
    A CachedGrid is a Grid that uses temporary caching to reduce the overall memory footprint of gridded data.
    The CacheOptimizer class is a helper for caches that monitors cache access and miss rates and optimizes the cache size.
    A CF NetCDF 4 writer creates NetCDF 4 format files with CF metadata using the Nujan NetCDF 4 writing library.
    A CF NetCDF writer creates NetCDF format files with CF metadata using the Unidata Java NetCDF library.
    The CommonDataModelNCReader class reads Java NetCDF API accessible datasets and attempts to use any metadata and geographic referencing information that the NetCDF layer provides.
    The CWCFNCReader class reads Java NetCDF accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data.
    A CWHDF reader is an earth data reader that reads CoastWatch HDF format files using the HDF library class.
    A CoastWatch HDF writer is an earth data writer that writes CoastWatch HDF format files using the HDF library class.
    The CWNCReader class reads Java NetCDF accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data.
    The CWOpendapReader class reads OPeNDAP accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data.
    The data transfer class allows for the generic connection between input and output streams.
    A data transfer adapter provides default implementations for a data transfer listener.
    A data transfer event handles the details of a data transfer.
    A data transfer listener receives data transfer events and performs some appripriate action in response.
    An EarthDataReader obtains earth data from a data source and provides it to the user in a consistent format.
    The earth data reader factory class creates an appropriate earth data reader object based on a file name.
    The EarthDataWriter interface is for classes that obtain data from EarthDataInfo and DataVariable objects and format the information to some output destination.
    An EarthGridSet provides an interface for data to be modelled as a set of 2D Grid objects, where each grid can be selected by specifying its unique position on a set of axes in a higher dimensional space.
    An Axis holds information about one of the axes used to select a 2D grid in the set.
    Creates EarthGridSet objects from user-specified data.
    The EarthImageWriter has a single static method that writes image data from an EarthDataView to one of various formats.
    A float writer is a binary writer that writes data as a stream of 32-bit IEEE floating point values.
    The GeoTIFFDataWriter encodes a set of data variables as an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit multiband TIFF file with GeoTIFF georeferencing tags.
    A GeoTIFF writer uses an earth image transform and rendered image to create a TIFF file with extra TIFF tags decribing the earth location of the image data.
    The GIFWriter class writes non-interlaced GIF87a images from a rendered Java image.
    The GridSubsetReader is an interface that any EarthDataReader can implement to indicate that it is capable of reading grid data in a subset/subsampled form.
    The HDF5Lib object provides a singleton interface for accessing a thread-safe version of the HDF 5 library.
    The HDF cached grid class is a cached grid that understands how to read variable data from HDF files.
    The HDFLib object provides a singleton interface for accessing a thread-safe version of the HDF 4 library.
    An HDF reader is an earth data reader that reads HDF format files using the HDF library class.
    The HDF scientific dataset (SD) interface sets the methods required for all HDF SD classes.
    An HDF writer is an earth data writer that writes HDF format files using the HDF library class.
    The IO services class defines various static methods relating to input/output services.
    The NCCachedGrid class is a cached grid that understands how to read variable data from NetCDF files.
    The NCReader class is the base class for readers that use the Java NetCDF API to read and parse metadata.
    The NetCDF scientific dataset (SD) interface sets the methods required for all NetCDF SD classes.
    The NOAA1b cached grid class is a cached grid that understands how to read variable data from NOAA1b files.
    A NOAA 1b reader is an earth data reader that reads NOAA 1b format GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
    The LongitudeInterpolator class performs longitude interpolation using polar coordinates.
    A NOAA 1b version 1 reader is a NOAA 1b reader that reads NOAA 1b format NOAA-A through -J GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
    A NOAA 1b version 2 reader is a NOAA 1b reader that reads NOAA 1b format KLM GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
    A NOAA 1b version 3 reader is a NOAA 1b reader that reads NOAA 1b packed format KLMNN' GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
    A NOAA 1b version 4 reader is similar to the 1b version 3 reader except that it accepts the version 4 in the archive and data headers.
    A NOAA 1b version 5 reader is the same as a 1b version 4 reader except that it accepts the version 5 in the archive and data headers.
    The OpendapGrid is an intelligent OPeNDAP client that delivers data by listening for DataVariable.setAccessHint(int[], int[], int[]) calls and only downloads the data which is specified within that call.
    The OpendapReader class is the base class for readers that use the OPeNDAP API to read data and metadata.
    An OpendapReaderList holds a list of OpendapReader objects created through the use of the data URL entries in the results of a CatalogQueryAgent.
    The ReaderList interface is designed to group together a set of related EarthDataReader instances with the same earth transform and allow them to be accessible with less I/O overhead than if they were each opened separately.
    The ReaderSummaryProducer class creates summary data for EarthDataReader objects.
    Holds summary information for a reader in the form of maps of properties to values, and a variable information table.
    A SummaryTable holds the output of a summary that needs to be formatted as a series of rows and columns in a table.
    The SerializedObjectManager class can be used to save, load, delete, and get a list of serialized objects.
    A short writer is a binary writer that writes data as a stream of 16-bit signed integers.
    The simple parser class is a stream tokenizer with various methods for simplifed parsing of text input streams.
    A stall monitor is a data transfer listener that helps to handle stalled transfers.
    A text writer is an earth data writer that writes variable data as a series of lines in an ASCII text file.
    A TSHDFReader reads SeaSpace TeraScan HDF format files using the HDF library class.
    The WorldFileWriter class writes ASCII text world files that store image to map coordinate transformation parameters as a set of floating point values.