Class CWCFNCReader

All Implemented Interfaces:
GridSubsetReader, NCSD

public class CWCFNCReader extends NCReader

The CWCFNCReader class reads Java NetCDF accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data. Only map projected data is supported. The presence of the following global attributes is used to recognize the file as having CoastWatch-specific metadata (see the user's guide metadata appendix for more details on each attribute):

  • cw:cwhdf_version (string, optional) - The CoastWatch HDF metadata version number, defaults to 2.3. This attribute is highly recommended so that the cw:et_affine attribute is interpreted correctly. If in doubt, use 3.4.
  • cw:satellite (string, optional) - The satellite name, default is to use the CF source attribute.
  • cw:sensor (string, optional) - The sensor name, default is to use the CF source attribute.
  • cw:origin (string, optional) - The data origin, default is to use the CF institution attribute.
  • cw:pass_date (int, REQUIRED) - The single value or array of dates of data recording (days since Jan 1, 1970).
  • cw:start_time (double, REQUIRED) - The single value or array of start times of data recording (seconds since 00:00:00 UTC).
  • cw:temporal_extent (double, optional) - The single value or array of durations in seconds of data recording.
  • cw:gctp_sys (int, REQUIRED) - The GCTP projection system code.
  • cw:gctp_zone (int, REQUIRED) - The GCTP UTM projection zone code (can be zero).
  • cw:gctp_parm (double array, REQUIRED) - The array of GCTP projection parameters (15).
  • cw:gctp_datum (int, REQUIRED) - The GCTP datum code.
  • cw:et_affine (double array, REQUIRED) - The map projection affine transform.

On a per-variable basis, the cw:fraction_digits and cw:nav_affine attributes are also used if found, but are not required. Note that if any required or optional attributes are found to have an incorrect data type, the file will not be recognized.

Xiaoming Liu
  • Constructor Details

    • CWCFNCReader

      public CWCFNCReader(String name) throws IOException
      Creates a new reader from the specified file.
      name - the file name or URL to read.
      IOException - if an error occurred reading the metadata.
  • Method Details