Interface GridSubsetReader

All Known Implementing Classes:
ACSPONCCFReader, ACSPONCReader, CommonDataModelNCReader, CWCFNCReader, CWNCReader, NCReader

public interface GridSubsetReader
The GridSubsetReader is an interface that any EarthDataReader can implement to indicate that it is capable of reading grid data in a subset/subsampled form. It contains only one method: getGridSubset(java.lang.String, int[], int[], int[]).
Peter Hollemans
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getGridSubset(String varName, int[] start, int[] stride, int[] length)
    Reads a subset of a data grid.
  • Method Details

    • getGridSubset

      Grid getGridSubset(String varName, int[] start, int[] stride, int[] length) throws IOException
      Reads a subset of a data grid. This is similar to the EarthDataReader.getVariable(String) method except that it reads only grid variables and is capable of returning just a subset of the data values. In some cases, such as across a network connection, it may be more efficient to access only a subset or subsampling of data in a variable.
      varName - the variable name to access.
      start - the 2D starting data coordinates.
      stride - the 2D data stride.
      length - the total number of values to read in each dimension.
      the subset and/or subsampled grid variable.
      IOException - if the data source had I/O errors.