Class EarthDataReaderFactory


public class EarthDataReaderFactory extends Object
The earth data reader factory class creates an appropriate earth data reader object based on a file name. The default list of readers is as follows: Additional readers may be appended to the list using the addReader() method, or by adding the class name to the resource file.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • EarthDataReaderFactory

      public EarthDataReaderFactory()
  • Method Details

    • addReader

      public static void addReader(Class readerClass)
      Adds a new reader to the list. When the factory creates a new reader from a file name, the new reader will be among those tried when opening the file. The reader should throw a if an error is encountered reading the initial parts of the file, and/or if the file format is not recognized. By convention, the reader should have a constructor that takes a single String parameter as the file name.
      readerClass - the new reader class to add to the list.
    • setVerbose

      public static void setVerbose(boolean flag)
      Sets the verbose mode. If verbose mode is on, the errors encountered while trying to create the reader object are printed.
      flag - the verbose flag.
    • create

      public static EarthDataReader create(String file) throws IOException
      Creates an earth data reader object.
      file - the file name. The file will be opened using the different earth data reader classes in the list until the correct constructor is found.
      an earth data reader object specific to the file format.
      IOException - if the reader could not be created. Either the file was not found, or the format was not recognized by any reader.