Interface FeatureSource

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFeatureSource, BinnedGSHHSLineReader, BinnedGSHHSReader, ColocatedPointFeatureSource, ContourGenerator, GriddedPointGenerator, GSHHSReader, HDFGSHHSLineReader, HDFGSHHSReader, IQuamNCReader, LineFeatureSource, OpendapGSHHSLineReader, OpendapGSHHSReader, PointFeatureSource, PolygonFeatureSource, TSVectorReader

public interface FeatureSource extends Iterable<Feature>
The FeatureSource interface provides methods common the all feature sources; the methods allow for selection of features based on a geographic area, iteration over the matching features, and information on attributes.
Peter Hollemans
  • Method Details

    • select

      void select(EarthArea area) throws IOException
      Selects a set of features from the data source based on the specified area.
      area - the earth area for feature selection.
      IOException - if an error occurred accessing the data source.
    • getArea

      EarthArea getArea()
      Gets the currently selected Earth area.
    • iterator

      Iterator<Feature> iterator()
      Gets an iterator over all selected features.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<Feature>
    • getAttributes

      List<Attribute> getAttributes()
      Gets the list of attributes for each feature from this source.
      the list of attributes.
    • getAttributeCount

      int getAttributeCount()
      Gets the number of attributes in the attribute list for each feature.
      the attribute count.