Class PointFeatureSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Feature>, FeatureSource
Direct Known Subclasses:
ColocatedPointFeatureSource, GriddedPointGenerator, IQuamNCReader

public abstract class PointFeatureSource extends AbstractFeatureSource
The PointFeatureSource class supplies and renders PointFeature data with user-supplied plot symbols.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • PointFeatureSource

      public PointFeatureSource()
  • Method Details

    • render

      public void render(Graphics2D g, EarthImageTransform trans, PointFeatureSymbol symbol)
      Renders the selected point feature data to a graphics context.
      g - the graphics context for drawing.
      trans - the earth image transform for converting Earth locations to image points.
      symbol - the symbol to use for rendering each point feature.
    • render

      public void render(Graphics2D g, EarthImageTransform trans, PointFeatureSymbol symbol, Map<Rectangle,PointFeature> rectToFeatureMap)
      Renders the selected point feature data to a graphics context.
      g - the graphics context for drawing.
      trans - the earth image transform for converting Earth locations to image points.
      symbol - the symbol to use for rendering each point feature.
      rectToFeatureMap - the map of rectangle to point feature for the rendering operation, or null to not save this information. This map can later be used to easily recall what point features were drawn where.