Interface ResamplingMapFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
BucketResamplingMapFactory, DirectResamplingMapFactory, GridDataResamplingMapFactory, ResamplingDiagnostic

public interface ResamplingMapFactory
A ResamplingMapFactory is an interfaace for objects that create ResamplingMap objects on-demand, based on the coordinates that need to be remapped. A factory instance should be thread-safe so that map objects can be created simultaneously from multiple threads if needed.
Peter Hollemans
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    create(int[] start, int[] length)
    Creates a new resampling map that covers a specified set of destination coordinates.
  • Method Details

    • create

      ResamplingMap create(int[] start, int[] length)
      Creates a new resampling map that covers a specified set of destination coordinates.
      start - the starting rectangle coordinates in the destination space as [row, col].
      length - the size of the rectangle in destination space as [rows, cols].
      a resampling object that covers the specified destination rectangle or null if the destination rectangle has no corresponding coordinates in the source space.