Class SatelliteDataInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class SatelliteDataInfo extends EarthDataInfo
The SatelliteDataInfo class is a special EarthDataInfo class for satellite data. It adds extra metadata for the data source satellite and sensor.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • SatelliteDataInfo

      public SatelliteDataInfo(String sat, String sensor, Date date, EarthTransform trans, String origin, String history)
      Constructs a new satellite data info object with the specified properties.
      sat - a short satellite name. The satellite name should reflect the agency and series or model number that the satellite is commonly known by, for example noaa-16 or orbview-2.
      sensor - a short sensor name. The sensor name is usually an acronym for the instrument on the satellite that recorded the data, for example avhrr or seawifs.
      date - the data recording date. It is assumed that the data was recorded on the specified date and time, with essentially no time duration.
      trans - the earth transform. The transform specifies the translation between data array coordinates and geographic coordinates. The parameter is null if no transform is known.
      origin - the original data producer. The origin should be specified as accurately as possible to reflect the agency and division that initially processed and formatted the data.
      history - the data command history. The history is a newline separated list of commands and parameters that lead to the creation of the data.
      See Also:
    • SatelliteDataInfo

      public SatelliteDataInfo(String sat, String sensor, List<TimePeriod> periodList, EarthTransform trans, String origin, String history)
      Constructs a new satellite data info object with the specified properties.
      sat - a short satellite name. The satellite name should reflect the agency and series or model number that the satellite is commonly known by, for example noaa-16 or orbview-2.
      sensor - a short sensor name. The sensor name is usually an acronym for the instrument on the satellite that recorded the data, for example avhrr or seawifs.
      periodList - the list of data recording time periods.
      trans - the earth transform. The transform specifies the translation between data array coordinates and geographic coordinates. The parameter is null if no transform is known.
      origin - the original data producer. The origin should be specified as accurately as possible to reflect the agency and division that initially processed and formatted the data.
      history - the data command history. The history is a newline separated list of commands and parameters that lead to the creation of the data.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSatellite

      public String getSatellite()
      Gets the satellite name.
    • getSensor

      public String getSensor()
      Gets the sensor name.
    • append

      public EarthDataInfo append(EarthDataInfo appendInfo, boolean pedantic)
      Appends another info object to this one.
      append in class EarthDataInfo
      appendInfo - the info object to append.
      pedantic - the pedantic flag, true if metadata should be appended exactly so that duplicate values are preserved, false if not.
      the newly created object.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the classes or Earth transforms for this object and the object to append do not match.