Class SatellitePassInfo

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SatellitePassInfo extends SatelliteDataInfo
A satellite pass info object holds information about one pass of a satellite over the Earth.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • SatellitePassInfo

      public SatellitePassInfo(String passID, ServerQuery query, int result)
      Creates a new satellite pass info object using the specified ID and query results.
      passID - the satellite pass identifier used for the query.
      query - the server query results.
      result - the server query result index.
  • Method Details

    • getCenter

      public EarthLocation getCenter()
      Gets the pass center point.
    • getPassID

      public String getPassID()
      Gets the pass identifier.
    • getOrbitType

      public String getOrbitType()
      Gets the orbit type: 'ascending' or 'descending'.
    • getDimensions

      public int[] getDimensions()
      Gets the pass dimensions as [lines, samples].
    • getGroundStation

      public String getGroundStation()
      Gets the pass ground capture station.
    • getCoveragePolygon

      public LineFeature getCoveragePolygon()
      Gets the pass coverage polygon.
    • getPreviewURL

      public String getPreviewURL()
      Gets the pass preview URL.
    • getSceneTime

      public String getSceneTime()
      Gets the pass scene time: 'day', 'night', or 'day/night'.
    • getSceneTime

      public String getSceneTime(DataLocation upperLeft, DataLocation lowerRight)
      Description copied from class: EarthDataInfo
      Gets the scene time in terms of day or night for the specified 2D scene bounds. The date and time used to determine the scene time is the starting date of the first time period.
      getSceneTime in class EarthDataInfo
      upperLeft - the upper-left 2D scene boundary.
      lowerRight - the lower-right 2D scene boundary.
      a descriptive scene time string. The scene time is day for daytime scenes, night for nighttime scenes, or day/night for a scene that crosses the terminator.
    • getSceneTime

      public String getSceneTime(int[] dims)
      Description copied from class: EarthDataInfo
      Gets the scene time in terms of day or night for the specified 2D scene dimensions. The date and time used to determine the scene time is the starting date of the first time period.
      getSceneTime in class EarthDataInfo
      dims - the scene boundary dimensions as [rows, columns].
      a descriptive scene time string. The scene time is day for daytime scenes, night for nighttime scenes, or day/night for a scene that crosses the terminator.