Interface EvaluateImp

All Known Implementing Classes:
ExpressionFunction.VariableValueSource, ParseHelper

public interface EvaluateImp
The EvaluateImp class defines an interface for all classes that help evaluate mathematical expressions by returning the variable values needed to perform the expression computation. The values are retrieved using the index corresponding to the variable, set up in the expression parsing phase using a ParseImp object. Methods in this class take the form of getXXXProperty(int) where XXX is the type specified by the ParseImp.typeOfVariable(String) method, either Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, or Double.
Peter Hollemans
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getByteProperty

      default byte getByteProperty(int varIndex)
    • getShortProperty

      default short getShortProperty(int varIndex)
    • getIntegerProperty

      default int getIntegerProperty(int varIndex)
    • getLongProperty

      default long getLongProperty(int varIndex)
    • getFloatProperty

      default float getFloatProperty(int varIndex)
    • getDoubleProperty

      default double getDoubleProperty(int varIndex)