Package noaa.coastwatch.util.expression

package noaa.coastwatch.util.expression

Provides classes for parsing and evaluating arbitrary mathmatical expressions.

  • Class
    The EvaluateImp class defines an interface for all classes that help evaluate mathematical expressions by returning the variable values needed to perform the expression computation.
    The ExpressionParser class defines an interface for all classes that parse and evaluate mathematical expressions.
    The enumeration of the possible expression result types.
    The ExpressionParserFactory class creates standard instances of a ExpressionParser that follow either the legacy expression syntax or Java expression syntax.
    The various styles of parsers.
    The ExpressionTest class test a parser with a given set of inputs and expected result.
    The JELParser class parses expressions using the Java Expressions Library (JEL) by Konstantin L.
    Implements a number of additional constants and methods for JEL expressions to use.
    The JEPEmulationParser class emulates a JEP syntax parser JEPParser using a high speed JEL parser JELParser by translating the expression and emulating the output type behaviour.
    The JEPParser class parses expressions using the syntax of the Java Math Expression Parser (JEP) from (we use version 2.24 which is no longer supported since the product is now commercial).
    The ParseHelper class implements the ParseImp and EvaluateImp interfaces with simple data structures.
    The ParseImp class defines an interface for all classes that help parse mathematical expressions by setting up a correspondence between variable names and their type and index value.
    A ParseTreeTransform stores a set of rules to transform a DOM.