Class ResamplingOperation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ResamplingOperation extends Object implements ChunkOperation
The ResamplingOperation class performs a data resampling operation between pairs of ChunkProducer instances and ChunkConsumer instances. A ResamplingMapFactory is used to create ResamplingMap instances for a given chunk in the consumers' chunking scheme. Consumers are all assumed to have the same chunking scheme, so that resampling can be performed on each chunk in the consumers using the same resampling map. If a given position in the consumer scheme has no valid resampling map, no operation is performed.
Peter Hollemans
  • Constructor Details

    • ResamplingOperation

      public ResamplingOperation(List<ChunkProducer> producerList, List<ChunkConsumer> consumerList, ResamplingMapFactory mapFactory)
      Creates a new chunk computation from the specified components.
      producerList - the list of producers that supply chunks to remap.
      consumerList - the list of corresponding consumers that handle the remapped chunks, must be the same length as the producer list.
      mapFactory - the factory that creates instances of maps for coordinate mapping.
      IllegalStateException - if the consumer and producer lists have different sizes.
  • Method Details

    • perform

      public void perform(ChunkPosition pos)
      Description copied from interface: ChunkOperation
      Performs an operation on the chunks at the specified position.
      Specified by:
      perform in interface ChunkOperation
      pos - the chunk position to act on.