All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractArchiveHeader class reads header data from NOAA 1b data files.
The AbstractDataHeader class reads NOAA 1b data header records.
The AbstractDataRecord class reads NOAA 1b data records.
The AbstractDirectoryLister is an abstract helper that implements most of the DirectoryLister methods.
The AbstractFeatureSource class supplies default implementations for some FeatureSource methods.
The AbstractOverlayListPanel class is the abstract parent of all overlay list panels.
The AbstractReaderList class implements some of the more universal methods for a ReaderList.
The AbstractVisualObject class implements default versions of the following interface methods: ComponentProducer.refreshComponent() (no operation) VisualObject.addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener) VisualObject.firePropertyChange() VisualObject.showChooser() (no operation) VisualObject.hasChooser() (returns false) VisualObject.setRestrictions(java.lang.Object) (no operation) Child classes must implement: ComponentProducer.getComponent() VisualObject.getValue() and override any default behaviours needed for the methods provided here.
As of version 3.4.1, format is not produced anymore, replaced by CommonDataModelNCReader compatible files.
As of 3.3.1, use InverseGridResampler which now performs the exact same operation as this class.
As of 3.3.1, use MixedGridResampler with a location filter of VIIRSBowtieFilter to get the same results.
As of version 3.4.1, format is not produced anymore, replaced by CommonDataModelNCReader compatible files.
As of version 3.4.1, format is not produced anymore, replaced by CommonDataModelNCReader compatible files.
The AlaskaConformalProjection class performs Alaska Conformal map projection calculations.
The AlbersConicalEqualAreaProjection class performs Albers Conical Equal Area map projection calculations.
The AMSUA is a radiometer for the NOAA Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A.
The AMSUAData class holds data from an AMSU-A instrument on the NOAA KLMNN' series spacecrafts.
The AMSUAHeader class reads NOAA 1b data AMSU-A header records.
The AMSUARecord class reads NOAA 1b AMSU-A data records.
The AMSUB is a radiometer for the NOAA Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B.
The AMSUBData class holds data from an AMSU-B instrument on the NOAA KLMNN' series spacecrafts.
The AMSUBHeader class reads NOAA 1b data AMSU-B header records.
The AMSUBRecord class reads NOAA 1b AMSU-B data records.
An annotation element handles the specific information for annotation of data with one symbol or string.
The AnnotationListChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of annotations.
An annotation overlay annotes a data view with annotation elements.
The ArchiveHeader interface is for reading NOAA 1b archive header data.
The ArchiveHeaderFactory creates archive header objects using the byte data at the beginning of a NOAA 1b file.
The ArcOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of ArcGIS options for data export.
The ArcSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for ArcGIS export files.
An Arc writer is a float writer that writes a binary format file for input to ArcView or ArcInfo as a binary grid.
An array reduction is an operator that reduces an array to a single value.
A ArrowSymbol is a PointFeatureSymbol that renders an arrow pointing in the direction of a vector quantity.
The ARSHeader class reads Archive Retrieval System header data from NOAA 1b data files.
The AtmosphericCorrection class performs a simplified atmospheric correction algorithm to transform MODIS top-of-atmosphere reflectance data to corrected reflectance data.
An AttributeRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on the value of one of the attributes.
The AttributeValueChooser provides two components: one that can be used to select a feature attribute, and a second that can be used to select a value for that feature attribute.
The AVHRRSourceImp helps resample AVHRR data.
The AzimuthalEquidistantProjection class performs Azimuthal Equidistant map projection calculations.
The BinaryOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of data export binary options.
The BinarySavePanel class allows the user to select save options for binary export files.
The BinaryStreamReader class reads streams of binary data described by an XML template.
The BinaryStreamReaderFactory class handles efficient storage and retrieval of stream readers for specific classes.
A binary writer is an earth data writer that writes variable data as a stream of binary values.
The BinnedGSHHSLineReader class reads Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines (GSHHS) border and river data in the binned format provided with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
The binned GSHHS reader class reads Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines (GSHHS) data from the binned format provided with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).
A BinnedGSHHSReaderFactory creates instances of BinnedGSHHSReader and BinnedGSHHSLineReader objects based on a resolution requirement.
A BitmaskOverlay annotates a data view using a data grid and an integer bit mask.
A bivariate estimator approximates the value of a function of two variables using a set of known function values.
The BoundaryHandler class handles lines of EarthLocation data that cross boundaries in an EarthTransform and provides splitting geometries for the boundary, as well as a predictate function for testing boundary cuts.
The BoxSurvey class holds survey information for a rectangle of data values.
The BucketResamplingMapFactory class creates a resampling map by placing the source transform earth locations into buckets and searching the bucket contents for the closest data location to each earth location in the destination transform.
The ByteChunk class holds primitive byte data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
A ByteValuePanel holds a Byte value and allows the user to change it.
A byte writer is a binary writer that writes data as a stream of 8-bit unsigned bytes.
A CachedGrid is a Grid that uses temporary caching to reduce the overall memory footprint of gridded data.
The CacheOptimizer class is a helper for caches that monitors cache access and miss rates and optimizes the cache size.
A CatalogQueryAgent is an abstract class for performing queries of earth data catalogs.
The Entry class holds information about one catalog entry.
The analysis tool allows user to view, survey, and save datasets.
The CDMGridMappedProjection class wraps a Java NetCDF CDM projection and allows access to transform calculations through the standard EarthTransform interface.
The CenteredLabelFactory class creates labels that line up along the view edges.
The CFNC4SavePanel class allows the user to select save options for CF NetCDF 4 export files.
A CF NetCDF 4 writer creates NetCDF 4 format files with CF metadata using the Nujan NetCDF 4 writing library.
The CFNCSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for CF NetCDF export files.
A CF NetCDF writer creates NetCDF format files with CF metadata using the Unidata Java NetCDF library.
The ChunkCollector class assembles chunks from a list of producers and allows them to be accessed in one operation.
The ChunkComputation class can be used to perform a computation on a set of input data chunks using a function and a list of chunk producers/consumers.
The ChunkComputationHelper class assists in running a chunk computation using the greatest number of threads that can be used given the current memory constraints.
The ChunkConsumer interface is implemented by all classes that consume data chunks.
The ChunkDataAccessor class is a visitor that makes (possibly unpacked) data values available from any type of DataChunk instance.
Performs data type casting operations to and from DataChunk objects.
The ChunkDataCopier class copies raw data values between DataChunk instances.
The ChunkDataFlagger class is a visitor that modifies any type of DataChunk instance by flagging specific data values as missing.
The ChunkDataModifier class is a visitor that modifies data values in any type of DataChunk instance.
The ChunkFunction interface is to be implemented by any class that performs some type of processing on a set of input data chunks to produce an output chunk.
The ChunkingScheme class describes an overall set of chunks that fill an n-dimensional space and allows for iteration over the set.
The ChunkOperation interface is implemented by any class that performs some unit of work on the chunk or chunks at a given position.
The ChunkPosition class marks a position within a ChunkingScheme.
The ChunkProducer interface is implemented by all classes that produce a data chunk on demand.
The ChunkResampler class performs a resampling of 2D chunk data from a source coordinate system to a destination.
The ChunkVisitor interface is implemented by any class that perticipates in the visitor pattern to perform operations on DataChunk instances.
The CleanupHook class may be used by programs to clean up resources after the Java VM has exited.
As of 3.8.1 use the IconFactory class.
The mode constants for the icon rendering.
The shape constants for the icon highlight rendeing.
A CoastOverlay annotates an earth data view with coast lines and polygons.
The ColocatedPointFeatureSource class combines the point features from a source with colocated values from a set of grids.
A ColorArrowSymbol is similar to a normal arrow but it has the additional feature that arrows are colored according to a color enhancement scheme based on the vector magnitude.
A color composite is a data view that creates an image based on three data grid variables, one each for red, green, and blue.
The ColorEnhanced interface gives methods for classes whose data are enhanced with a color palette and enhancement function.
A color enhancement is an earth data view that creates an image based on a grid variable, color palette, and enhancement function.
The ColorEnhancementSettings class stores palette and enhancement function information for a color enhancement of a data variable.
The color lookup class translates color names to red, green, blue values based on a color names data file.
The ColorPointEnhancement class uses a Palette and EnhancementFunction to render a PointFeatureOverlay to an earth view.
The ColorSwatch class is an icon that shows a rectangle of a given color.
A ColorWindBarbSymbol is similar to a normal wind barb but it has the additional feature that barbs are colored according to a color enhancement scheme based on the wind speed.
The CommonDataModelNCReader class reads Java NetCDF API accessible datasets and attempts to use any metadata and geographic referencing information that the NetCDF layer provides.
The ComponentList class is similar to a Swing JList but with a simplified model and operations.
The ComponentProducer interface defines the methods required for objects that have associated components.
The CompositeChooser class allows the user to select a red, green, and blue component variable for a color composite.
The CompositeFunction class implements a composite function that takes many chunks and collapses them into just one chunk using a reduction operator.
The CompositeMapApplicationCollector class is a special type of ChunkCollector optimized for use with a CompositeMapApplicationFunction object.
The CompositeMapApplicationFunction class applies the integer composite map created by the CompositeMapFunction class to a list of chunks representing a time series or spatial series of partially overlapping data.
The CompositeMapFunction class outputs an integer composite map using a list of input chunks.
The CompoundToolBar class combines two or more toolbars into one by "stealing" the buttons from the other toolbars for itself.
The ConstrainedStrideLocationIterator class iterates over data locations using a constant step stride vector, but uses a java.awt.Shape object to determine if each location is contained within a shape boundary.
A contour generator creates lists of earth data points that follow lines of constant value in a gridded dataset.
The CrossSymbol class draws a cross for a point symbol.
The CSVPointWriter class writes navigation point data to an CSV format file.
The angles tool computes earth location and solar angles for an earth data file.
The autonavigation tool automatically determines a navigation correction based on earth image data.
The CWCFNCReader class reads Java NetCDF accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data.
The composite tool combines a time series of earth data.
The coverage tool creates an earth data coverage map.
The download tool no longer has any valid servers that it works with.
The export tool translates earth data into external file formats.
The graphics tool creates earth data annotation graphics.
A CWHDF reader is an earth data reader that reads CoastWatch HDF format files using the HDF library class.
The CWHDFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for CoastWatch HDF export files.
A CoastWatch HDF writer is an earth data writer that writes CoastWatch HDF format files using the HDF library class.
The import tool translates earth data into CoastWatch HDF format.
The information utility dumps earth data information in a display-friendly format.
The master utility creates map projection master datasets.
The math tool combines earth data using a mathematical expression.
The navigation tool adds navigation corrections to 2D variables in an earth data file.
The CWNCReader class reads Java NetCDF accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data.
The CWOpendapReader class reads OPeNDAP accessible datasets and uses the CoastWatch HDF metadata conventions to parse the attribute and variable data.
The registration tool resamples gridded earth data to a master projection.
The new registration tool resamples gridded earth data to a master projection using a revised set of high accuracy algorithms.
The render tool performs earth data visualization.
The sampling tool extracts data values at specified earth locations.
The script tool runs a shell script written in BeanShell syntax.
The statistics utility calculates a number of statistics for each variable in an earth data file.
The status tool no longer has any valid servers that it works with.
The true color correction tool corrects top-of-atmosphere true color reflectance data.
The tools utility lists all the CoastWatch Utilities tools and their function.
The cwtoolstest program goes through every command line tool and tests the options.
The DataChunk interface is implemented by concrete classes that hold data of a specific internal primitive type.
The enumeration of the possible chunk external data types.
The DataChunkFactory class create appropriate instances of the DataChunk class using a primitive data array.
A color scale annotates a data enhancement plot with a scale of colors from a color palette and tick marks at regular intervals for the data values.
The DataHeader interface is for reading NOAA 1b data header records.
The DataHeaderFactory creates data header objects using the byte data at the beginning of a NOAA 1b file.
The DataIterator class is intended to be used by classes that need to iterate over a set of data values.
A data location represents a set of coordinates that uniquely identify a data value position within some N-dimensional space.
The DataLocationConstraints class holds a set of values used to specify the bounds and sparseness of a contiguous area of data locations.
The DataLocationIterator class adds an extra interface method to return the next data location.
The DataLocationIteratorFactory class creates a DataLocationIterator instance based on a set of parameters that specify the desired iterator behaviour.
The DataProjection class implements earth transform calculations for data coordinates with explicit latitude and longitude data.
The DataRecord interface is for reading NOAA 1b data records.
The DataReferenceOverlay class annotates an EarthDataView object with row/column grid lines and labels.
The DataSavePanel class is the abstract parent of all data save panels, which allow the user to export earth data to various file formats.
The data transfer class allows for the generic connection between input and output streams.
A data transfer adapter provides default implementations for a data transfer listener.
A data transfer event handles the details of a data transfer.
A data transfer listener receives data transfer events and performs some appripriate action in response.
A data variable is a container class to hold data values and a specific set of metadata.
The AccessType class describes a type of data accesss that is anticipated.
The DataVariableIterator class iterates over the locations of a data variable and returns the data values found.
The DataViewOverlayControl class is an interface that can be implemented by any class that acts to control the overlay content of an EarthDataViewPanel.
The DateFormatter class contains a number of static methods to format dates easily based on timezone and Earth location.
A DateRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on a date value of one of the attributes.
The operators for this class of rule.
A DateValuePanel holds a Date value and allows the user to change it.
A Datum holds a geodetic datum name, spheroid name, spheroid parameters, and WGS84-relative datum transformation parameters.
The DatumFactory class creates geodetic Datum objects corresponding to various spheroid codes.
The DelayedRenderingComponent interface may be used by graphical components that wish to implement a delayed rendering strategy.
The DirectGridResampler class performs generic data resampling between 2D Earth transforms using a direct location lookup method.
A DirectionSymbol is a PointFeatureSymbol that renders a directional vector.
A DirectoryLister performs simple directory listing services, providing the file names in a directory, their size, and modification times.
The DirectoryLister.Entry class may be used to access one entry in the contents of a directory lister.
The DirectResamplingMapFactory class creates a resampling map by directly querying the source transform for the data location of each earth location in the destination transform.
The DoubleChunk class holds primitive double data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
The DoubleIterator class adds an extra interface method to return the next double value.
The DoublePackingScheme class implements a scale and offset packing scheme for primitive double data.
The DoubleScalingScheme class implements a scale and offset for scaling double data.
A DoubleValuePanel holds a Double value and allows the user to change it.
The DynamicExtensionFileChooser class allows the user to select a file.
The EarthArea class represents irregularly shaped areas on a sphere.
The EarthContextElement is a picture element that renders a simplified view of the earth with coastlines and the bounding boxes of a number of arbitrarily shaped areas.
The earth context panel displays an earth context element.
The EarthDataAnalysisPanel groups together a variety of earth data view and chooser components into one main panel that may be used to display the contents of a EarthDataReader object.
As of 3.8.1 use EarthDataReaderChooser.
The EarthDataExporter class allows the user to choose a file name and parameters for saving earth locatable data.
The EarthDataInfo class is a container for global metadata pertaining to a number of DataVariable objects.
An earth data overlay specifies information used for the annotation of an earth data view, for example grid lines, coastlines, symbols, text, and so on.
The earth data plot class is used for rendering earth data with legends.
An EarthDataReader obtains earth data from a data source and provides it to the user in a consistent format.
The EarthDataReaderChooser class allows the user to choose a dataset and list of variables for opening geographic data files recognized by the EarthDataReaderFactory class.
The earth data reader factory class creates an appropriate earth data reader object based on a file name.
The EarthDataSurvey class is used to perform surveys on DataVariable objects, and is the abstract parent of all surveys.
The EarthDataView class sets up a correspondence between 2D Earth locatable data variables (possibly more than one) and a visual image.
The EarthDataViewController class handles interactions between an EarthDataView object and the chooser objects used to manipulate its properties.
The EarthDataViewFactory uses an EarthDataReader and variable name to create an EarthDataView for displaying a view of the variable data.
The EarthDataViewPanel class displays an onscreen version of an EarthDataView object.
The EarthDataWriter interface is for classes that obtain data from EarthDataInfo and DataVariable objects and format the information to some output destination.
The earth image transform class translates between 2D geographic coordinates in latitude, longitude and image coordinates in x, y.
The EarthImageWriter has a single static method that writes image data from an EarthDataView to one of various formats.
An earth location represents a point using latitude and longitude in degrees.
An EarthLocationSet holds a number of earth locations and allows for fast retrieval of the nearest location in the set to a given point and an associated data object.
The EarthPartition class sets up a partitioning of earth data such that no individual partition has physical size exceeding a user-specified tolerance.
An earth plot information legend annotates an earth data view with information about the data source, date, time, projection, and earth location.
The EarthTransform class translates between data coordinates and geographic coordinates in latitude and longitude degrees.
The EarthTransform2D class adds extra functionality to its super class common to two-dimensional earth transforms.
The EdgeLabelFactory class creates labels that line up along the view edges.
The EdgeSegment class holds information about a segment which is close to an image edge.
The types of edges possible for edge segments.
The EllipsoidMercator class performs Mercator projection calculations for an ellipsoid earth model, wrapped for use with the NetCDF Java library.
An EllipsoideMercatorBuilder builds instances of EllipsoidMercator objects wrapped for use by the NetCDF Java library.
The EllipsoidPerspectiveProjection class simulates the earth view that a theoretical satellite would have from orbit.
An encodable object is one whose representation can be encoded in a data structure or array, for example as a number of integers or floating point values.
An enhancement chooser is a panel that allows the user to select the specifications of a data enhancement function.
An enhancement function normalizes a data value to the range [0..1].
The EnhancementFunctionFactory creates enhancement functions using a simple set of specifications.
An enhancement function panel displays an enhancement function graphically as a line plot.
The EquidistantConicProjection class performs Equidistant Conic map projection calculations.
The EquirectangularProjection class performs Equirectangular map projection calculations.
The ESRIShapefileReader class reads geographic features from ESRI shapefile data and presents the data as an EarthDataOverlay object.
The EvaluateImp class defines an interface for all classes that help evaluate mathematical expressions by returning the variable values needed to perform the expression computation.
The ExpressionFilter class detects locations whose data variable values satisfy a mathematical expression.
The ExpressionFunction class implements the ChunkFunction interface to perform mathematical expression calculations on chunk data.
The ExpressionMaskOverlay class uses a mathematical expression to compute a data mask.
The ExpressionMaskOverlayPropertyChooser class is an implementation of an OverlayPropertyChooser that allows the user to edit the properties of an ExpressionMaskOverlay.
The ExpressionParser class defines an interface for all classes that parse and evaluate mathematical expressions.
The enumeration of the possible expression result types.
The ExpressionParserFactory class creates standard instances of a ExpressionParser that follow either the legacy expression syntax or Java expression syntax.
The various styles of parsers.
The ExpressionTest class test a parser with a given set of inputs and expected result.
A FeatureGroupFilter filters a set of Feature objects using a grouping concept.
The FeatureGroupFilterChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a FeatureGroupFilter.
The FeatureSource interface provides methods common the all feature sources; the methods allow for selection of features based on a geographic area, iteration over the matching features, and information on attributes.
The Task class allows the user to run a file chooser task via FileChooser.runTask( in a separate thread from the AWT event queue, and output status messages to the user.
The FileOperationChooser class is a JToolBar that allows the user to perform basic file operations: Open, Close, Export.
The FileSavePanel displays a file name for saving and allows the user to choose a new file name.
The FileTableModel uses a list of DirectoryLister.Entry objects to present a view of a directory and its subdirectories and files.
The FileTransferHandler class is used with the JComponent.setTransferHandler() method to handle one or more objects during a drag and drop operation.
The FilledShapeOverlay class may be used to render a list of generic filled shapes.
The filter interface provides a method for performing processing on an array of data values.
The FloatChunk class holds primitive float data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
The FloatingPointValuedDataChunk interface is implemented by concrete classes that hold data of a specific primitive floating point type (float, double).
The FloatPackingScheme class implements a scale and offset packing scheme for primitive float data.
The FloatScalingScheme class implements a scale and offset for scaling float data.
A FloatValuePanel holds a Float value and allows the user to change it.
A float writer is a binary writer that writes data as a stream of 32-bit IEEE floating point values.
The FontChooser class is a panel that displays font family, style, and size controls to allow the user to select a letter font.
The FullScreenToolBar class is a horizontal toolbar for full screen modes.
The FadeImageFilter converts normal color pixels to either brigher or darker versions using a fade factor.
The GhostImageFilter converts normal color pixels to ghostly inverted grayscale pixels.
The FullScreenWindow class display a full screen component with optional tool bar.
A function takes a number of variables as input and produces an output value.
A gamma enhancement is an enhancement function formed by a power law y = (mx + b)^g relationship where g is the gamma value, set to 1/2.2 by default.
The static routines in the General Cartographic Transformations Package (GCTP) class handle the transformation of data coordinates between common earth projection systems.
The GCTP requirements class helps determine the various parameters required for each projection.
The GCTPCStyleProjection class provides method signatures that correspond directly with the GCTPC code modules for ease of converting GCTPC code to Java.
The native methods of GCTP are no longer supported.
The GCTPStyleProjection class provides various static constants and functions for classes that perform GCTP style projection computations.
The GeneralVerticalNearsidePerspectiveProjection class performs General Vertical Nearside Perspective map projection calculations.
The GenericOverlayPropertyChooser class is an implementation of an OverlayPropertyChooser that allows the user to edit the properties of an overlay.
The GenericSourceImp helps resample generic sensor satellite data.
The GeographicProjection class performs geographic map projection calculations.
The GeoMeanReduction reduces an array to a single geometric mean value.
The GeoTIFFDataWriter encodes a set of data variables as an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit multiband TIFF file with GeoTIFF georeferencing tags.
The GeoTIFFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for GeoTIFF image files.
A GeoTIFF writer uses an earth image transform and rendered image to create a TIFF file with extra TIFF tags decribing the earth location of the image data.
The GeoVectorProjection class uses arrays of latitude and longitude data to transform coordinates.
The GhostButton class is a button that displays a "ghostly" looking version of a standard button icon for use in full screen mode toolbar menus.
The FadeImageFilter converts normal color pixels to either brigher or darker versions using a fade factor.
The GhostImageFilter converts normal color pixels to ghostly inverted grayscale pixels.
The GhostToggleButton class is a button that displays a "ghostly" looking version of a standard button icon for use in full screen mode toolbar menus.
The GIFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for GIF image files.
The GIFWriter class writes non-interlaced GIF87a images from a rendered Java image.
The GnomonicProjection class performs Gnomonic map projection calculations.
The graphics services class defines various static methods relating to the java.awt.Graphics2D class.
The 2D grid class is a special form of data variable with two dimensions -- rows and columns.
The GridChunkConsumer class consumes data chunks and places the chunk data into a Grid object.
The GridChunkProducer class provides data chunks from a Grid object.
The GridContainerOverlay interface marks overlays that use one or more Grid objects to display their graphics.
The GridDataResamplingMapFactory class creates a resampling map by directly querying grid variables for the source and column mapping.
A GriddedPointGenerator creates point features from a set of co-located Grid objects.
The GridResampler class performs generic data resampling between 2D earth transforms.
The GridSubsetReader is an interface that any EarthDataReader can implement to indicate that it is capable of reading grid data in a subset/subsampled form.
This class has been replaced by BinnedGSHHSReader which provides better overall performance.
The GUI services class defines various static methods relating to graphical user interfaces.
The HammerProjection class performs Hammer map projection calculations.
The attribute tool reads and writes HDF file attributes.
The HDF5Lib object provides a singleton interface for accessing a thread-safe version of the HDF 5 library.
The HDF cached grid class is a cached grid that understands how to read variable data from HDF files.
The HDFGSHHSLineReader extends BinnedGSHHSLineReader to read data from an HDF binned data file.
The HDFGSHHSReader extends BinnedGSHHSReader to read data from an HDF binned data file.
The HDFLib object provides a singleton interface for accessing a thread-safe version of the HDF 4 library.
An HDF reader is an earth data reader that reads HDF format files using the HDF library class.
The HDF scientific dataset (SD) interface sets the methods required for all HDF SD classes.
An HDF writer is an earth data writer that writes HDF format files using the HDF library class.
The HelpOperationChooser class is a JToolBar that allows the user to perform basic help operations.
The HIRS4 is a radiometer for the NOAA High Resolution Infrared Radiation Sounder
The HIRS4Data class holds data from an HIRS/4 instrument on the NOAA NN' series spacecrafts.
The HIRS4Header class reads NOAA 1b data HIRS/4 header records.
The HIRS4Record class reads NOAA 1b HIRS/4 data records.
A histogram panel displays a histogram plot as a series of vertical columns.
The HistogramStatisticsPanel shows a simple data plot of statistics as a histogram.
The HotineObliqueMercatorProjection class performs Hotine Oblique Mercator map projection calculations.
The HTML panel displays an HTML document in a scrollable window and responds to hyperlink clicks.
The HTMLReportFormatter class formats report data to HTML 3.2.
The HybridView class is an earth data view that combines a set of data views.
An icon element is a picture element that is rendered from image data.
The IconElementFactory class creates IconElement objects from either a user-specified file or from built in resource images.
The IconFactory renders various icons for buttons that require a normal, hover, and pressed mode.
The mode constants for the icon rendering.
The purpose constants for the icon rendering.
The image loader class is used to render an image asychronously from an image producer.
An image loading observer is capable of drawing small tiles of an image as it is being loaded by an image loader.
The ImageSavePanel class is the abstract parent of all image save panels, which allow the user to save earth data to an image file format.
The ImageTransform class translates between 2D data coordinates and image coordinates in x and y.
An image view panel displays a single image and allows zooming and panning with the mouse.
The IntChunk class holds primitive int data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
The IntegerValuedDataChunk interface is implemented by concrete classes that hold data of a specific primitive integer type (byte, short, int, long).
A IntegerValuePanel holds an Integer value and allows the user to change it.
The InterfaceOperationChooser class is a JToolBar that allows the user to perform basic interface change operations.
The InterruptedGoodeHomolosineProjection class performs Interrupted Goode Homolosine map projection calculations.
The InterruptedMollweideProjection class performs Interrupted Mollweide map projection calculations.
The InverseGridResampler class performs generic data resampling between 2D earth transforms using an inverse location lookup method.
The IO services class defines various static methods relating to input/output services.
The iQuam data reader reads NOAA iQuam (in-situ SST quality monitoring) system data files and presents the data as point features.
The JavaExpressionMaskOverlay class uses a mathematical expression in Java syntax to compute a data mask.
The JELParser class parses expressions using the Java Expressions Library (JEL) by Konstantin L.
Implements a number of additional constants and methods for JEL expressions to use.
The JEPEmulationParser class emulates a JEP syntax parser JEPParser using a high speed JEL parser JELParser by translating the expression and emulating the output type behaviour.
The JEPParser class parses expressions using the syntax of the Java Math Expression Parser (JEP) from (we use version 2.24 which is no longer supported since the product is now commercial).
The JPEGSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for JPEG image files.
The LabeledLine class holds the line label text and segment information for one labeled line on the earth.
A LabeledLineOverlay renders lines and labels on an EarthDataView.
A Lagrange interpolator uses a set of known function data to interpolate function values between data points.
The LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaProjection class performs Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area map projection calculations.
The LambertConformalConicProjection class performs Lambert Conformal Conic map projection calculations.
The LandMask class may be used to retrieve a true or false value for the presence of land at a certain earth location.
The LastReduction reduces an array to a single last value.
The LatLonLineReader class reads sets of latitude/longitude locations to create line features and presents the data as a EarthDataOverlay object.
The LatLonOverlay class annotates an EarthDataView view with latitude/longitude grid lines and labels.
A legend is used to annotate data with descriptive elements.
The LegendPanel class displays a Legend graphic in a panel.
A LightTable is a container that places an invisible drawing table on top of another component and allows that component to become a drawing surface.
The 1D line class is a special form of data variable with one dimension.
A linear enhancement is an enhancement function formed by a linear y = mx + b relationship.
The LineCollection class holds an ordered set of line objects.
The LineFeature class holds a list of earth location data.
The LineFeatureOverlay class annotates a data view with line features from a line feature source.
The LineFeatureSource class supplies methods that read or generate vector-specified earth data such as coast lines, political boundaries, bathymetry, and so on.
The LineIterator class may be used to get the set of (x,y) points required for drawing a line between start and end points.
The LineLabelFactory interface is implemented by classes that need to produce a set of labels for a line composed of line segments.
The LineLocationIterator class iterates over data locations along a line between start and end locations.
A vector overlay annotes a data view with vector-specified lines and shapes.
The LineStatisticsPanel shows a simple data plot of statistics as an x-y line plot of the statistics values.
The LineSurvey class holds survey information for a line of data values from one point to another.
The LocalDirectoryLister lists directory contents on the local filesystem.
The LocationEstimator class uses a reference and target earth transform to estimate the data location of a target point given a reference point.
The LocationFilter class allows for computations and other classes to check if a specific location's data should be used in a computation.
A log enhancement is an enhancement function formed by a logarithm y = mlogx + b relationship.
The LoggingConfig class sets up the default logging configuration used by the command line tools.
The LongChunk class holds primitive long data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
The longitude filter is a filter with special considerations for longitude values.
A LongValuePanel holds a Long value and allows the user to change it.
The LRUTileCache is a tile cache that uses a least-recently-used rule to eliminate unused tiles.
Holds a set of contraints for a managed component.
The MapProjection class is the abstract parent of all map projections that implement coordinate conversions for the projection systems listed in ProjectionConstants.
The map projection chooser allows the display and selection of map projection parameters.
The MapProjectionFactory class creates instances of map projections.
A MaskOverlay annotates a data view using some extra information to form a mask of opaque and transparent pixels at each data location.
The MaxReduction reduces an array to a single maximum value.
The MeanReduction reduces an array to a single mean value.
The MedianReduction reduces an array to a single median value.
The MercatorProjection class performs Mercator map projection calculations.
The MetadataContainer class is designed to be extended by other classes that need to hold user metadata in the form of a mapping from attribute name to attribute value.
The MetadataServices class defines various static methods relating to metadata manipulation.
The MHS is a radiometer for the NOAA Microwave Humidity Sounder.
The MHSData class holds data from an MHS instrument on the NOAA KLMNN' series spacecrafts.
The MHSHeader class reads NOAA 1b data MSU header records.
The MHSRecord class reads NOAA 1b MHS data records.
The MillerCylindricalProjection class performs Miller Cylindrical map projection calculations.
The MinReduction reduces an array to a single minimum value.
The MixedGridResampler class performs generic data resampling between 2D earth transforms using a mix of forward and inverse resampling methods.
The MODISSourceImp helps resample MODIS data.
The MollweideProjection class performs Mollweide map projection calculations.
The MultilayerBitmaskOverlay class uses a set of BitmaskOverlay objects to colour subsets of bits in the bit mask with different colors.
The MultilayerBitmaskOverlayPropertyChooser class is an implementation of an OverlayPropertyChooser that allows the user to edit the properties of a MultilayerBitmaskOverlay.
The MultiPointFeatureOverlay class annotes a data view with symbols using data from from multiple PointFeatureOverlay objects.
A MultiPointFeatureOverlayPropertyChooser is an OverlayPropertyChooser that handles MultiPointFeatureOverlay objects.
A MultiPointFeatureOverlayStatsPanel shows a set of statistics of expressions computed over the visible set of overlay symbols selected by a MultiPointFeatureOverlay object.
A MultiPointFeatureOverlaySymbolPanel shows a set of symbols and an attribute value table for features displayed by a MultiPointFeatureOverlay object.
The NavigationAnalysisPanel class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of image row and column points and specify the offset between coastline data and image data.
The NavigationChooser class allows the user to modify the navigation affine transform for a set of earth data variables.
The NavigationOffsetEstimator class uses image and land mask data to estimate the navigation error in a small tile of coastal image data.
The NavigationPoint class holds data for a single navigation analysis point.
The NavigationPointSavePanel class allows the user to choose a file name and parameters for saving a list of navigation points.
The NavigationPointTable class is a table that displays navigation point data.
The NavigationPointTableModel class provides data from a list of NavigationPoint objects.
The NavigationPointWriter class is an abstract class for writing out data from a list of navigation points.
The NCCachedGrid class is a cached grid that understands how to read variable data from NetCDF files.
The NCReader class is the base class for readers that use the Java NetCDF API to read and parse metadata.
The NetCDF scientific dataset (SD) interface sets the methods required for all NetCDF SD classes.
The NCTileSource class provides tiles from a NetCDF 3 or 4 dataset variable.
The NetworkServices class defines various static methods relating to network operations.
The NOAA1b cached grid class is a cached grid that understands how to read variable data from NOAA1b files.
The NOAA1bFile is an interface for reading NOAA 1b weather satellite data files.
The NOAA1bFileReader class extends EarthDataReader to handle NOAA 1b weather satellite data files from a number of NOAA satellite sensors.
A NOAA 1b reader is an earth data reader that reads NOAA 1b format GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
The LongitudeInterpolator class performs longitude interpolation using polar coordinates.
The NOAA1bServices class performs various NOAA 1b file related functions.
A NOAA 1b version 1 reader is a NOAA 1b reader that reads NOAA 1b format NOAA-A through -J GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
A NOAA 1b version 2 reader is a NOAA 1b reader that reads NOAA 1b format KLM GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
A NOAA 1b version 3 reader is a NOAA 1b reader that reads NOAA 1b packed format KLMNN' GAC/LAC/HRPT data files available from the NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Active Archive.
A NOAA 1b version 4 reader is similar to the 1b version 3 reader except that it accepts the version 4 in the archive and data headers.
A NOAA 1b version 5 reader is the same as a 1b version 4 reader except that it accepts the version 5 in the archive and data headers.
A NumberRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on the numercial value of one of the attributes.
The operators for this class of rule.
The OblatedEqualAreaProjection class performs Oblated Equal Area map projection calculations.
The OnScreenViewOperationChooser class provides an on screen display style set of buttons that the user can use to select view transform operations.
The OpacityHelper is implemented by any class that needs to assist with storing/recalling an opacity value, and setting up a graphics context with the opacity prior to rendering.
The OpendapGrid is an intelligent OPeNDAP client that delivers data by listening for DataVariable.setAccessHint(int[], int[], int[]) calls and only downloads the data which is specified within that call.
The OpendapGSHHSLineReader extends BinnedGSHHSLineReader to read data from an OPeNDAP-enabled binned data file.
The OpendapGSHHSReader extends BinnedGSHHSReader to read data from an OPeNDAP-enabled binned data file.
A OpendapQueryAgent uses OPeNDAP to query a network server for catalog entries.
The OpendapReader class is the base class for readers that use the OPeNDAP API to read data and metadata.
An OpendapReaderList holds a list of OpendapReader objects created through the use of the data URL entries in the results of a CatalogQueryAgent.
The OrientationAffineFactory constructs affine transform objects to correctly orient an EarthTransform so that it appears in the on-screen image the way a data user would naturally expect to see it.
The OrthographicProjection class performs Orthographic map projection calculations.
The OverlayGroupManager class can be used to save, load, delete, and get a list of overlay groups.
The OverlayGroupSavePanel shows a list of overlays that are to be saved as a group, and allows the user to choose the group name or use an existing name.
Holds the results from an overlay group save operation.
The OverlayListChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of EarthDataOverlay objects.
The OverlayPropertyChooser class is a panel that holds an overlay value and allows the user to retrieve the value.
The OverlayPropertyChooserFactory class may be used to create appropriate OverlayPropertyChooser objects for a given overlay.
The PackingScheme interface is implemented by concrete classes that have a strategy to pack floating point data to integer data and unpack integer data to floating point data.
The PackingSchemeVisitor interface is implemented by any class that participates in the visitor pattern to perform operations on PackingScheme instances.
The Palette allows the user to associate a name and index color model together as a palette and perform manipulations on the palette colors.
A palette chooser is a panel that allows the user to pick a colour palette from a selection of predefined palettes.
The PaletteFactory class handles written tables of predefined index color models.
A palette panel displays a color palette graphically as a stripe of colour.
The PanelOutputStream class extends to display output in a Swing JPanel.
The ParallelChunkOperation interface is implemented by classes that perform a ChunkOperation on a set of chunk positions in parallel.
A ParsableValuePanel holds a value that can be parsed from a text string and allows the user to change it.
The ParseHelper class implements the ParseImp and EvaluateImp interfaces with simple data structures.
The ParseImp class defines an interface for all classes that help parse mathematical expressions by setting up a correspondence between variable names and their type and index value.
A ParseTreeTransform stores a set of rules to transform a DOM.
The PathTransformer class converts line segments of earth location data to projected image data, taking account of discontinuities and boundary cuts in the line segments.
The PDFSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for PDF image files.
A picture element is an annotation element the renders graphics and shapes.
The PlotSymbolFactory class supplies plot symbols for scatter plots and point feature plots.
The PNGSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for PNG image files.
The PointFeatureOverlay class annotes a data view with symbols using data from a PointFeatureSource.
A PointFeatureOverlayPropertyChooser is an OverlayPropertyChooser that handles PointFeatureOverlay objects.
The PointFeatureSource class supplies and renders PointFeature data with user-supplied plot symbols.
A PointFeatureSymbol is a PlotSymbol that may change its rendered appearance slightly depending on the attributes of the feature that it currently holds.
The PointSurvey class holds survey information for a single data location.
The PolarStereographicProjection class performs Polar Stereographic map projection calculations.
The PoliticalOverlay class annotates an EarthDataView with political border lines.
The PolyconicProjection class performs Polyconic map projection calculations.
The PolygonFeature class is a LineFeature with extra properties and rendering algorithms specific to polygons.
The PolygonFeatureOverlay class annotes a data view with earth polygons from an PolygonFeatureSource.
The PolygonFeatureSource extends the LineFeatureSource class to render filled polygons as well as lines.
A polygon overlay annotes a data view with vector-specified polygon lines and shapes.
The PolygonSurvey class holds survey information for a polygon of data values.
The PoolProcessor class is a ParallelChunkOperation that operates using a pool of execution threads.
The Preferences class handles preferences set by the user for CoastWatch tool operations.
The PreferencesChooser class is a panel that displays a Preferences object and allows the preferences to be manipulated.
The ProjectionConstants class is an interface that hold various map projection constants, including projection indices and names.
The ReaderInfoPanel class displays information from a EarthDataReader in a graphical panel.
The ReaderList interface is designed to group together a set of related EarthDataReader instances with the same earth transform and allow them to be accessible with less I/O overhead than if they were each opened separately.
The ReaderMetadataPanel class displays metadata from an EarthDataReader in a graphical panel.
The ReaderSummaryProducer class creates summary data for EarthDataReader objects.
Holds summary information for a reader in the form of maps of properties to values, and a variable information table.
A SummaryTable holds the output of a summary that needs to be formatted as a series of rows and columns in a table.
The renderable interface sets the methods for classes that render to images or graphics contexts.
The renderable panel displays the output from a renderable object.
The RenderOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of image rendering options.
The ReportFormatter class is an interface for formatting reports of text data.
A ResamplingDiagnostic generates statistics on the difference between a resampling map and the ideal resampling between a source and destination transform.
Holds an individual diagnostic information value.
A ResamplingMap object holds coordinate mapping data between two 2D coordinate systems: the source and destination.
A ResamplingMapFactory is an interfaace for objects that create ResamplingMap objects on-demand, based on the coordinates that need to be remapped.
The ResamplingOperation class performs a data resampling operation between pairs of ChunkProducer instances and ChunkConsumer instances.
The ResamplingSourceImp class provides an extra set of query methods about the source transform in a resampling operation.
The ResettableIterator class has an interface to make iterators go back to the first element again.
The ResourceManager class stores and retrieves user-specific resources related to configuration settings, palettes, overlays, and so on.
The RobinsonProjection class performs Robinson map projection calculations.
The SatelliteDataInfo class is a special EarthDataInfo class for satellite data.
The satellite pass coverage panel displays a graphical representaion of a satellite pass on an annotated Earth globe.
A satellite pass info object holds information about one pass of a satellite over the Earth.
The satellite pass preview panel displays a satellite pass data preview image.
The satellite pass table is a Swing table that holds satellite pass information for a server.
The satellite pass table model contains satellite pass data as a Swing table model.
The SavePanel class is the abstract parent of all save panels.
The ScalingScheme interface is implemented by concrete classes that have a way of scaling floating point data.
The ScalingSchemeVisitor interface is implemented by any class that participates in the visitor pattern to perform operations on ScalingScheme instances.
The ScriptConsole can be shown and hidden to allow a scripting interface to the CoastWatch Utilities using Beanshell syntax.
A SelectionRuleFilter is a list of SelectionRule objects together with an overall rule that determines how to filter a set of Feature objects.
The mode that the filtering is operating under.
The SelectionRuleFilterChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a SelectionRuleFilter.
The SensorIdentifier class identifies scan data from the supported sensors in order to help create sensor-specific concrete objects.
Types of sensors.
The SensorScanProjection is used to provide Earth transform calculations for various types of satellite sensors that cannot be represented by one of the standard map projections.
The SensorScanProjectionFactory is used to generate SensorScanProjection objects.
The SensorSourceImpFactory creates concrete ResamplingSourceImp objects for resampling sensor data that are customized for each sensor.
The SerializedObjectManager class can be used to save, load, delete, and get a list of serialized objects.
The ServerChooser class allows the user to select from and edit a list of network servers.
A server query interfaces to a CoastWatch data server and handles the query URL connection and response text.
The server status panel queries the status of a CoastWatch data server and displays the current activity including incoming, unprocessed, and processing files.
The ServerTableModel class models a mapping of simple server names to URL strings.
Holds a server table entry with server name and location.
The ShadowGenerator class creates drop shadows from the non-transparent pixels in an image.
The ShapeOverlay class may be used to render a list of generic shapes.
The ShapeOverlayFactory class reads various shape file formats and returns the shapes as an EarthDataOverlay object.
The ShortChunk class holds primitive short data with optional packing scheme and missing values.
A ShortValuePanel holds a Short value and allows the user to change it.
A short writer is a binary writer that writes data as a stream of 16-bit signed integers.
The SimpleColorChooser class is a panel that displays a simple grid of colors from which to choose, with a button to display a full JColorChooser dialog.
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
The simple parser class is a stream tokenizer with various methods for simplifed parsing of text input streams.
A SimpleSymbol is a PointFeatureSymbol that renders a PlotSymbol and optional text label.
The SinusoidalProjection class performs Sinusoidal map projection calculations.
The solar zenith class may be used to calculate solar zenith angles for any earth location at a given date and time.
The solid background class is an earth data view that creates a solid image of color to help view overlay graphics.
The SortedTable class is a normal javax.swing.JTable that can sort its rows when the user clicks on a column in the table header.
A SortedTableModel can be used to provide row sorting services for any javax.swing.table.TableModel.
The SpaceObliqueMercatorProjection class performs Space Oblique Mercator map projection calculations.
The SpheroidConstants class is an interface that hold various earth spheroid constants, including spheroid index, names, and semi-major / semi-minor axes sizes.
The SplashScreenManager class handles updates to the JVM-generated startup splash screen.
A stall monitor is a data transfer listener that helps to handle stalled transfers.
The StatePlaneProjection class performs State Plane map projection calculations.
The statistics class is a container for various data variable statistics such as minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, histogram counts, and so on.
The StatisticsPanel is an abstract class that holds a Statistics object and draws the axes and labels desired for a plot of the statistics.
A step enhancement is an enhancement function formed by a number of discrete steps.
The StereographicProjection class performs Stereographic map projection calculations.
The StrideLocationIterator class iterates over data locations using a constant step stride vector.
The StringFilter interface specifies methods for filtering an input string to an output string.
A StringValuePanel holds a String value and allows the user to change it.
The StrokeChooser class is a panel that displays line dash pattern and thickness controls to allow the user to select the line stroke.
The StrokeSwatch class is an icon that shows a rectangle of a given line pattern.
The SubsetGrid class uses an existing Grid object to provide a subset view of its data.
The SubsetOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of data export subset options.
The SurveyListChooser class is a panel that allows the user to manipulate a list of EarthDataSurvey objects.
The SurveyOverlay class may be used to display the shape of an EarthDataSurvey object.
The SurveyPlotFactory creates data plot panels that are appropriate for a given survey.
The SwathProjection class implements earth transform calculations for satellite swath (also called sensor scan) 2D projections.
The Swirl class shows a swirling progress icon in a panel.
The SymbolSwatch class is an icon that shows a plot symbol.
A SyntheticIntChunkProducer object creates 2D integer data chunks whose values are specified by a functional interface method that returns an integer value for each row and column in the chunk.
The TabComponent interface is used to specify that components used in tabs must supply various descriptive elements, such as title, icon, and tool tip.
The TBMHeader class reads Terabit Memory header data from NOAA 1b data files.
The TerminalColors class is an interface that hold various ANSI terminal color constants, which can be used to change the color of messages printed to standard output and error.
The Testable annotation can be used by any class that has a main method that should be called to test the class methods.
The test container class simply creates a JFrame and sets the content pane to the command line specified container.
The TestLogger object provides a singleton interface for printing testing messages.
The TestableTester class contains a single static method main() that runs the unit tests for all classes that registered for testing.
A text element is an annotation element the renders text strings.
A TextFieldVerifier attaches to a JTextField and verifies that the string conforms to a certain format.
The TextFieldVerifierImp interface specifies methods that a TextFieldVerifier requires to perform the verification.
The TextOptionPanel class allows the user to choose from a set of text options for data export.
The TextOverlay class may be used to render a list of text annotation elements.
The TextReportFormatter class formats report data to raw text.
A TextRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on the string value of one of the attributes.
The operators for this class of rule.
The TextSavePanel class allows the user to select save options for text export files.
A text writer is an earth data writer that writes variable data as a series of lines in an ASCII text file.
A TileCache object stores a set of TilingScheme.Tile objects and allows for their retrieval.
The TileCachedGrid class is a Grid whose data is supplied from a TileSource and cached via the TileCacheManager.
A TileCacheKey object stores a pair of values: a tile source, and a tile position, that can be used in a TileCache to store and recall a specific tile.
The TileCacheManager class provides convenient access to the default tile cache.
A TileDeliveryOperation represents an asynchronous process for delivering tiles of data from a TileSource to a number of Observer objects.
The TileSink interface is for writing individual rectangles of data to a data sink.
The TileSource interface is for reading individual rectangles of data from a data source.
The tiling scheme class helps support the tiling of 2D data.
A TimeAccumulator object can be used for precise accumulation of time used in a thread for performance testing.
A timeout allows the user to perform a certain task after some amount of time has passed.
The TimePeriod class is a container for a date and length of time.
A TimeWindow represents a date and window centered around the date.
A TimeWindowRule provides a selection mechanism for features based on a date value of one of the attributes and a window of time around that date.
The operators for this class of rule.
A TimeWindowValuePanel holds a TimeWindow value and allows the user to change it.
The tool services class defines various static methods relating to the CoastWatch tools.
As of 3.3.1, use SplashScreenManager.
The Topography class holds topography data, useful for classes that need topography data for contouring, atmospheric correction, etc.
A topography overlay annotates an earth data view with topography lines.
The Topology class contains a number of convenience methods for working with coordinates in a topology.
The TransformableImageComponent interface may be implemented by graphical components that paint using an image.
The TransparentOverlay interface is a marker interface for EarthDataOverlay classes that use a combination of opaque and transparent pixels.
The TransverseMercatorProjection class performs Transverse Mercator map projection calculations.
A TSHDFReader reads SeaSpace TeraScan HDF format files using the HDF library class.
The functionality of this class has been replaced by the BinnedGSHHSLineReader class which provides better performance for reading and rendering.
The UnitFactory class creates Unidata UDUNITS style Unit objects from unit specification strings.
A univariate estimator approximates the value of a function of one variable using a set of known function values.
The UniversalTransverseMercatorProjection class performs Universal Transverse Mercator map projection calculations.
The UpdateAgent class performs an update check on the network, then pops up an informational dialog if the software is out of date.
The UpdateCheck class checks for updates of the CoastWatch utilities software package online.
The URLTransfer class initiates a connection to an Internet host specified by a URL and downloads the content provided by the URL.
The UsageInfo class holds information about how to call a command line tool: its main function, options, and parameters.
The ValidChunkDetector class is a visitor that checks data chunks for missing values to determine if all the chunk's data values are missing, or if the chunk contains some valid data.
A ValuePanel hold an object value and allows the user to change it.
The ValueSource interface may be implemented by any class that provides data values for a set of DataLocation objects.
The VanderGrintenProjection class performs Vander Grinten map projection calculations.
The VariableChooser is a simple panel that displays a list of variable names and allows the user to select one of the variables.
The VariableEstimator class provides an approximation of smoothly changing variable data using quadratic polynomials.
The VariableOptionPanel class allows the user to choose a subset from a list of variables.
The VariableStatisticsGenerator class creates a Statistics object using a data variable and set of constraints.
The ViewOperationChooser class is a JToolBar that allows the user to select view transform operations using a set of toolbar buttons.
The VIIRSBowtieFilter class detects locations in a level 2 swath file from the VIIRS sensor in which certain pixels are deleted because of a bow-tie overlap effect of the successive scan head sweeps.
The VIIRSIBandEDRParams class provides parameters for the VIIRS I-band Environmental Data Record (EDR) scan and deletion pattern.
The VIIRSIBandSDRParams class provides parameters for the VIIRS I-band Scientific Data Record (SDR) scan and deletion pattern.
The VIIRSMBandEDRParams class provides parameters for the VIIRS M-band Environmental Data Record (EDR) scan and deletion pattern.
The VIIRSMBandSDRParams class provides parameters for the VIIRS M-band Scientific Data Record (SDR) scan and deletion pattern.
The VIIRSSensorParams class provides methods that describe the VIIRS scan pattern and deleted pixels for a specific VIIRS sensor scan mode and deletion pattern.
The VIIRSSourceImp helps resample VIIRS data using a specific set of VIIRS sensor parameters.
The VisualArray class represents an array as a list with a text field, and add/remove buttons.
The VisualBoolean class represents a Boolean as a checkbox button.
The VisualChoice class represents a value choice as a combo box.
The VisualColor class represents a color as a button with an icon of the color.
The VisualFont class represents a font as a button with the name of the font.
The VisualInteger class represents an Integer as a spinner.
The VisualObject interface defines the methods required for objects to have a visual onscreen representation.
The VisualObjectFactory class contains static methods that create new visual objects based on an object and a property name.
The VisualOverlay class represents an EarthDataOverlay object as a panel with modification components.
The VisualServices class contains static methods that are used in conjunction with visual objects.
The VisualString class represents a string as a text field.
The VisualStroke class represents a line stroke as a button with an icon of the stoke pattern.
The VisualSymbol class represents a plot symbol as a combo box with an icon of the symbol.
The WagnerIVProjection class performs Wagner IV map projection calculations.
The WagnerVIIProjection class performs Wagner VII map projection calculations.
A WindBarbSymbol is a PointFeatureSymbol that renders a wind barb according to the WMO rules.
The window monitor class performs a system exit when it receives the window closing event.
The WorldFileWriter class writes ASCII text world files that store image to map coordinate transformation parameters as a set of floating point values.
The XMLPointWriter class writes navigation point data to an XML format file.
A JTree that displays an xml document.
The XSymbol class draws an X for a point symbol.
The XYPlotPanel is an abstract class that draws axes and labels for an x-y plot.